HbA1c Results

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was diagnosed with T1DM in December 2021, at which time my HbA1c was measured at 110mmol/mol. Just received a phone call from my GP to tell me that the results of my most recent HbA1c test are back - 41mmol/mol. Mixed feelings - one hand I'm pleased that my BG levels have improved markedly since my diagnosis, but on the other I'm a little concerned that I may have improved my situation too quickly, which can lead to complications apparently. After initiating insulin treatment my eyesight was blurred for at least five weeks, returned to normal for about a fortnight, but has become increasingly blurred again over the past week and a half, which it a little unsettling. As such I've arranged to attend a second OCT scan this weekend, just to see if things have changed since my previous screening. Wish me luck!
I did the same as you and luckily my eyes are fine so fingers crossed. I dropped from 108 to 40 in 3 months. My eyesight was all over the place really for a long while. Short sighted, then long sighted then perfect then blurry on occasions but finally settled well over 12 months later. After a recent optician visit i been told he can see no damage caused by the diabetes and i don't need specs. My retinopathy checks are fine too. Although it is correct that is is advisable to take it slowly (which i didn't know at the time) hopefully you will be ok. I just wanted to let you know it can take a fair while to settle and doesn't necessarily mean you have done irreversible damage. I was worrying like you for a long while. Good luck i hope you have same outcome as me.
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I did the same as you and luckily my eyes are fine so fingers crossed. I dropped from 108 to 40 in 3 months. My eyesight was all over the place really for a long while. Short sighted, then long sighted then perfect then blurry on occasions but finally settled well over 12 months later. After a recent optician visit i been told he can see no damage caused by the diabetes and i don't need specs. My retinopathy checks are fine too. Although it is correct that is is advisable to take it slowly (which i didn't know at the time) hopefully you will be ok. I just wanted to let you know it can take a fair while to settle and doesn't necessarily mean you have done irreversible damage. I was worrying like you for a long while. Good luck i hope you have same outcome as me.
Hi @Loobyloo,

Thanks for your reply, sorry it's taken so long to respond. Very pleased to hear that your eyesight finally settled. The issues you experienced sound very similar to those I'm currently living with. My eyesight shifts from short to far sightedness, and in focus to blurred/out of focus quite frequently. For example, when I looked out of my bedroom window this morning at 7AM I could read all the text written on a 'For Sale' sign outside the house at the end of my road, but I looked again a few minutes ago and most of the text was unreadable - too blurry. My OCT scan was cancelled that weekend, so re-arranged it for last Wednesday. Pleased to say that there was no sign of neuropathy - in fact I was told my eyes looked very healthy. Fingers crossed that I have the same outcome as you. Thanks.
Hi @Loobyloo,

Thanks for your reply, sorry it's taken so long to respond. Very pleased to hear that your eyesight finally settled. The issues you experienced sound very similar to those I'm currently living with. My eyesight shifts from short to far sightedness, and in focus to blurred/out of focus quite frequently. For example, when I looked out of my bedroom window this morning at 7AM I could read all the text written on a 'For Sale' sign outside the house at the end of my road, but I looked again a few minutes ago and most of the text was unreadable - too blurry. My OCT scan was cancelled that weekend, so re-arranged it for last Wednesday. Pleased to say that there was no sign of neuropathy - in fact I was told my eyes looked very healthy. Fingers crossed that I have the same outcome as you. Thanks.
Oh i do hope so as we def seem to have had the same problems. I think even my sugars going high or low was affecting how clearly or how far i could see on certain days. On a couple of days i had supervision, crystal clear further than i had anytime in my life, but that didn't last long lol. Its been a long wait but they have finally settled and dont vary a lot now which i suppose is as much as i can hope for given i am 59 this year.
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