HbA1C results are in.......

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Been to see the doctor today, and my results were back from my first ever HbA1C test.......... it was 6.2. The doctor was very pleased but I had hoped that it would be in the fives!

My cholesterol had stayed the same at 4.6 and we did have a chat about taking some tablets to lower it as they prefer diabetics to be below 4. I am seeing the nurse in a couple of weeks so it may happen then.

I asked why the test strips had been removed from my repeat prescription, and apparently they have removed them from all T2s as a cost cutting exercise. She said that one pot should last me 6 months, but I did talk her into giving me a prescription today.🙂
Hi She thats a great result 6.2 is a good hbA x well done..
Well done on the HbA1c. Glad you managed to get them to precribe you testing strips. Sometimes they are just so mean. Di x
Been to see the doctor today, and my results were back from my first ever HbA1C test.......... it was 6.2. The doctor was very pleased but I had hoped that it would be in the fives!

My cholesterol had stayed the same at 4.6 and we did have a chat about taking some tablets to lower it as they prefer diabetics to be below 4. I am seeing the nurse in a couple of weeks so it may happen then.

I asked why the test strips had been removed from my repeat prescription, and apparently they have removed them from all T2s as a cost cutting exercise. She said that one pot should last me 6 months, but I did talk her into giving me a prescription today.🙂

Well done - there's nothing wrong with a 6.2% at all! 🙂 Your cholesterol is pretty much the same as mine at 4.5. Originally I was put on statins to lower it, which is probably what they are suggesting, but I stopped taking them after it dropped to 2.4. Might be worth asking to try a little bit longer without extra medication to get it down 'naturally' as it is still very early days for you.

I can imagine there will be a lot of Type 2s that are very angry at this 'cost cutting' exercise with the strips. They make decisions without any care fr how it might perjudice a person's ability to manage their diabetes and retain a high quality of life. The best one I ever heard was a doctor telling someone not to do the 2 unit 'airshot' with their insulin pen because it was a waste! Erm, no, it's so you know that you will be getting the correct dose when you inject, and how much would it save? Honestly, doctors should be responsible for patient care and not accountants.
Well done - there's nothing wrong with a 6.2% at all! 🙂 Your cholesterol is pretty much the same as mine at 4.5. Originally I was put on statins to lower it, which is probably what they are suggesting, but I stopped taking them after it dropped to 2.4. Might be worth asking to try a little bit longer without extra medication to get it down 'naturally' as it is still very early days for you.

I can imagine there will be a lot of Type 2s that are very angry at this 'cost cutting' exercise with the strips. They make decisions without any care for how it might prejudice a person's ability to manage their diabetes and retain a high quality of life. The best one I ever heard was a doctor telling someone not to do the 2 unit 'airshot' with their insulin pen because it was a waste! Erm, no, it's so you know that you will be getting the correct dose when you inject, and how much would it save? Honestly, doctors should be responsible for patient care and not accountants.

Is this countrywide then? because when i picked my strips up last week they was no problem, but i dont see a doctor i just have a repeat prescription
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Is this countrywide then? because when i picked my strips up last week they was no problem, but i dont see a doctor i just have a repeat prescription

Hi Steffie, I picking up my repeat prescription tonight and requested usually 2 boxes of strips - lets see if they have obliged. I had to fight to get them to give me 2 at a time!! hello they are the ones who told me I needed insulin lol

Di x
I can imagine there will be a lot of Type 2s that are very angry at this 'cost cutting' exercise with the strips. They make decisions without any care fr how it might perjudice a person's ability to manage their diabetes and retain a high quality of life. The best one I ever heard was a doctor telling someone not to do the 2 unit 'airshot' with their insulin pen because it was a waste! Erm, no, it's so you know that you will be getting the correct dose when you inject, and how much would it save? Honestly, doctors should be responsible for patient care and not accountants.

I just picked up my strips...I have 200 on prescription. Surely they can't take away testing for type 2's on Insulin???...That would be irresponsible, and could be dangerous surely...Very worried now! :(
I understand from my Doctor that it was a local decision - she said that they had discussed it long and hard. So hopefully this will not spread throughout the country. x
Excellent results Shevicks, persevere with the test strip issue and hope they restore them back on your repeat prescription soon. Toby.
Brilliant results Shevicks :D. A 6.2 HbA1c is excellent and so is a 4.5 cholesterol...

Regarding test strips it is very much a "post code lottery" depending on what PCT/health authority you are with some are good, some are okay and others just wont prescribe them at all :(
I didn't have to fight over the testing strips!
well done on the HbA1c ! and col results

first time the strips argument came up for me was last week with my gp said they only really need to be used by those D's who have threat of HYPO ..i said that it was also very important for T2 to suss out what foods do what ...and that i use them only if i am eating something different or feeling a bit odd ...and my last pot lasted me 2 1/2 months...and that i had used them to try and suss out my DP ...he then gave them to me ...so i think if you show how you use them to individually improve the education for the benefit of your health it might help ....
oh yes i did burst into tears as well and told him that i didnt have the energy to argue about it ...😱
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