HbA1c result?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've never been told myHbA1c.I was diagnosed on the 20th of May with type 2,do I contact my Dr,I have meeting next week with my diabetes nurse,will she know? Still getting used t!I it all
I've never been told myHbA1c.I was diagnosed on the 20th of May with type 2,do I contact my Dr,I have meeting next week with my diabetes nurse,will she know? Still getting used t!I it all
Yes it is a good idea to know what you HbA1C is and then you know your starting point and it will indicate how much work you need to do. If not to high (the threshold for a diabetes diagnosis is 48mmol/mol and above) then some modest changes to your diet may be all that is needed. Either the Doctor of Diabetes nurse should tell you the actual number not just a bit high, very high or not too bad as that is not helpful.
It would be a good idea to prepare for your appointment with a list of questions as it is easy to forget something you meant to ask. You should be offered foot and eye retinal screening as well.
Yes it is a good idea to know what you HbA1C is and then you know your starting point and it will indicate how much work you need to do. If not to high (the threshold for a diabetes diagnosis is 48mmol/mol and above) then some modest changes to your diet may be all that is needed. Either the Doctor of Diabetes nurse should tell you the actual number not just a bit high, very high or not too bad as that is not helpful.
It would be a good idea to prepare for your appointment with a list of questions as it is easy to forget something you meant to ask. You should be offered foot and eye retinal screening as well.
Thank you for replying,yes I have a list of questions ready and I have my eye test next week too,yes I was just told its a bit high.
Thank you for replying,yes I have a list of questions ready and I have my eye test next week too,yes I was just told its a bit high.

Hope your appointment goes well Phil!

Most folks on the forum would very much prefer to have a record of the actual number - but you may need to ask for this.

For the future you can ask your surgery to ‘unlock’ your test results so that you can access them via the NHS app or the ‘patient access’ app if you have a smartphone. That way you can just look them up whenever you have bloods done.
Thank you,just seen the nurse and my hbA1c number was 49,so hopefully not too bad and cholesterol was 5.
Thank you,just seen the nurse and my hbA1c number was 49,so hopefully not too bad and cholesterol was 5.
At 49mmol/mol you are just on the first rung of the diabetes ladder so some modest changes to your diet should be sufficient to bring you levels down. Have a read around some of the post as there are lots of suggestions about reducing carbohydrates and the sort of foods which are OK.
This link may help with some ideas for modifying your diet. It is a low carb approach which many find successful. https://lowcarbfreshwell.co.uk/
Hi and welcome
Be careful to lower your carbs slowly, too much too fast can create other issues that are best avoided, so work on one mealtime at a time - dinner, lunch or breakfast. Get yourself a BG meter so you can check your blood glucose before you eat and again 2 hours after that first fork in mouth - that will show you if any carbs are causing you a high spike - so you can then reduce the portion size or find an alternative. It puts you in charge. We have to self-fund BG meters unless we are on insulin - the cheapest is the GlucoNavii for the meter and test strips - you would need to order extra test strips and lancets at the same time as the kit only comes with 10 a-piece.
I see my DN tomorrow, but I checked my last HbA1c online and I am now under the diabetic number, so it is possible to reverse it by cutting carbs and doing some exercise - walking, dancing around the kitchen, cycling (I use an exercise bike) - anything to get you active in some way. I will still have to watch what I eat and keep to low carbs otherwise I'll end up where I started, but I can allow myself the odd treat now and again.
I hope you get some good advice and have your questions answered, but remember we are here to help and advise you if you are unsure about anything. 🙂
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