HbA1c result today...Bit upset :(

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I just phoned the surgery to get the result of my HbA1c...it has come down slightly, from 8.7 to 8.2....I am unsure if this is an achievement or not, it seems very little...and, according to what I read, I am stll in the very Dangerous level! :(

Can anyone comment on this result please?...I know down is better than up, but I just feel a little disapointed with myself.

Thank you...Ellowyne xXx

P.S. Will pop back in later....I have another hospital appointment!
Hi Ellowyne, I understand it must be upsetting to still have a hba1c that is 'too' high but the important thing is that it has come down. Every tiny drop in percentage reduces your risk of complications by a huge amount, so keep focusing on getting it down further 🙂
The specialists always said a 1% drop in HbA1c is a 25% reduction in the risk of complications...............the maths dont seem to work out there but its true that even a tiny drop is good good good.........🙂
That is very good because if you drop too quickly it can cause you damage, so it's best to get your number down slowly 🙂 Well done!
If you keep going in the same direction, next result will be 7.5, which is within recommended limits for "those at risk of severe hypoglyaemia", and nearer to 6.5, which is recommended level for those not at risk of severe hypoglycaemia.
OK, there is some arguments about where these limits should be.
Also, note that units are in the process of changing from % to mmol/mol.
onwards and downwards xxx well done x
It's heading in the right direction Ellowyne, that's a good thing and you shouldn't beat yourself up because it hasn't some down as far as you think it should have. We're all different, just read my siggy for the proof of that. you've done well and I'm sure it will continue to fall if you keep doing what ever you've been doing.
Elowynne you still deserve a well done its going in the right direction hun x
Im a little worried after reading this thread.

I was only diagnosed yesterday with a reading of 23.5. The nurse said o thats very high.

I have only been given a 1 page documents of things that I should and shouldnt be eating. No medication as yet

I have been given an appointment for Friday 1st October with a nurse at the surgery. Now feel as though I am a ticking timebomb till then.

I feet fine (well I think I do)only reason I went to the doctors was that I had Thrush for the last 5 weeks on and off did a search on the internet as you do and it mentioned that it was a sympton of Diabetes.

Now with a reading of 23.5 the 1st October seems a long way away. Is there anything in particular that I should be looking out.

I dont know how I would of coped with the last few days without this forum 🙂
It is very high Sheilagh, I was 28.4 when I was carted off to hospital and I've heard of folk on here who've scored even higher. It took two weeks to get a full diagnosis and I was put on pills then. In the meantime you may be able to help yourself but limiting certain foods. It's different for everyone but the main things to control are spuds, pasta, rice and all sweet stuff. Try bulking out your meals with veg. If you can afford it go and get yourself a blood glucose meter, I have a Freedom Freestyle Lite which is very good, but there are many others to choose from. If you're lucky, your surgery will give you one and let you have strips too, but that's by no means universal so don't wait for them. It's important to find out which foods affect your bloood sugars most and avoid or drastically reduce the amount of those you eat. Make sure you get plenty of fluids, at least 2 litres per day. I drank loads of tea in the early days and it did make a difference, I swear it did.

The main thing is not to panic, easy to say I know. Look on this a loud warning and believe it's not too late.
Im a little worried after reading this thread.

I was only diagnosed yesterday with a reading of 23.5. The nurse said o thats very high.

Hi Shelagh, don't confuse your 23.5 fngerprick test with the HbA1c test - they are completely different things. The fngerprick takes your level at that moment in time, whereas the HbA1c is a measure of your levels over the past 6-12 weeks. For example, my fingerprick test was 37 when diagnosed, but my HbA1c was 11.8%.

Ellowyne - well done on the reduction! 🙂 That is great news, given the problems you have had, so I think you should take heart from the result.

I think that you may have your bloods test slightly mixed, the HbA1c is a different on to the finger stick BG tests..

HbA1c is the adverage of the blood blood glucose over the preceeding 3 months.. (this test is taken from the vaine)

The finger BG, is what the actual blood glucose level is at the point you stabbed your finger to find out..

Don't worry, easy mistake when you'll new to diabetes, as to what measures you can take, a lot for T2's is lifestyle changes, such as dropping excess sugar and lowering the intake of refined carbs, such as pasteries etc, and you might have to cut back and moderate actual carb intake per day.. Increasing exercise levels is always very help for all of use..


You doing very well, getting 8.7% down to 8.2% is a achievement to be proud off..

Don't know what meter you use, but hopefully it will have both the adverages for at least a week and 90 days, (hopefully a 30 days as well) if you monitor the week, you find the adverage goes up and down very quickly with each test, but if you look at the 90 day adverage, this is very slow moving, and I'm sure it will goes up a lot quicker than down..

Keep up what you doing, and working on your day to day control, and it will come down...
Glycated Haemoglobin............oh yeah............

I think that you may have your bloods test slightly mixed, the HbA1c is a different on to the finger stick BG tests..

HbA1c is the adverage of the blood blood glucose over the preceeding 3 months.. (this test is taken from the vaine)

The finger BG, is what the actual blood glucose level is at the point you stabbed your finger to find out..

Thank you so much for putting me right.....was really starting to panic.

I have been on many diets in my time where I realise know its was not a diet I needed it was a complete change of eating habits.......and boy am going to make that change.
Hi Ellowyne

Well done on your reducing your HBA1C you should be really pleased with yourself that it has improved
Well done Ellowyne! Every little helps 🙂 xxx
Hi Shelagh, don't confuse your 23.5 fngerprick test with the HbA1c test - they are completely different things. The fngerprick takes your level at that moment in time, whereas the HbA1c is a measure of your levels over the past 6-12 weeks. For example, my fingerprick test was 37 when diagnosed, but my HbA1c was 11.8%.

Ellowyne - well done on the reduction! 🙂 That is great news, given the problems you have had, so I think you should take heart from the result.

Thanks Northerner you have me feel a lot happier🙂
DSN Today!

Huge thank you's for all the lovely comments and support...as always, you all make's me feel better! :D

I saw my DSN today, she seems quite happy with my levels, although of course still alot of work to be done...She has talked about the possibility of changing Levimer to Lanctus, to see if it will make a diffrence to my morning readings, which are still very high :(

Next appointmnet End of January, will discuss any changes then...Just need to get past Christmas, big stuff going on in personla life, and told her I would like to hang fire on any Med changes at this time....Oh, also, my weight has stayed stable, still big fatty, but not gaining on the Insulin! 😉

Thankies to all again, much love and appretiation always! Ellowyne xXx
Great stuff Ellowyne, good to hear you sounding happier with things - and that the DSN is happy with you! 🙂 Fantastic that you haven't gained weight, I know that was a big worry for you - keep up the good work!
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