HBA1C result and some other bits and pieces

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

This is what I wanted to see.

RE foot pain - got given gabapentin. Sat here feeling very sleepy now. Been advised to have the rest of the week off work. Spoke to mum, wish I hadn't told her as she sounded very worried. I'm half expecting a call from Dad in a bit in which he will tell me its all my fault - even though the doc told me it wasn't, that it will go away etc. Pain not as bad as yesterday, just feeling very down in the dumps. Scared. Could do with a hug but i'm alone in the flat right now, and the parents are half a country away, and matt is in portsmouth at work :(
Hi Sam, well done on the A1c results. you should be really proud of yourself.

Are you in for the rest of the day? why not curl up under the duvet and watch something really cheesy and have some you time to celebrate. If it was me id have an 'afternoon off' and have some wine and chocolate (with the appropriate boluses of course :D) and veg out.


Here's one I made earlier. Those numbers are billiant Sam, well done.
Excellent HbA1c - congratulations! :D

I'm glad you're getting something for your foot now. It's part of your mum's job to worry 😛 and I'd tell your dad in very strong words that this is *not* your fault! I hope you're taking the rest of the week off now - you sound like you could do with some time to destress! *hugs*
Well done sam 🙂

Hey didn't I guess that? YAY :D (I think I did, not sure!)

Try to keep positive, think of the HbA1c result 🙂 xx
Well done sam 🙂

Hey didn't I guess that? YAY :D (I think I did, not sure!)

Try to keep positive, think of the HbA1c result 🙂 xx

yup u got it spot on Katie
Sam, brilliant that all your hard work has pad off and you've got a brilliant improvement in your HbA1c! I was close, but clearly not as gifted at prediction as the 'mystic katie'!:D Hopefully the medication will relieve the pain. Take some time to relax, you've had so much pressure on you lately, and with a great result like that you surely deserve it!🙂 Here's a hug!


From a site called digitalblueglobal. 🙂
Well done on the HbA1c - take the rest of the week off as told and relax, you have had a tough time, and need to recharge your batteries.
great result with your hba1c, glad dr has put you on something for the pain.. 🙂
Well done you!

I can only hope that one day I am as lucky as you - it is certainly somethingto aim for


congratualtions thats a great result, bang on target, hopefully next time you will get the same result made up of less swings.

gabapentin made me so sleepy when I first started taking it, falling asleep about 8pm, I also got headaches for the first few days. But for me it really helped with the pain. I do find that it still has some sedative effect for me. I hope thta it helps witht he pain.
Well done 6.5 is fantastic!! And I'm glad you're getting some help for your other 'hurty' bits.

I'm getting my first HbA1c results next week, I doubt they'll be as good as yours, but fingers crossed they're not as bad as in my horrible dream last night, lol.

I'm sure you'll get a lovely big hug when Matt gets home.

Well done 6.5 is fantastic!! And I'm glad you're getting some help for your other 'hurty' bits.

I'm getting my first HbA1c results next week, I doubt they'll be as good as yours, but fingers crossed they're not as bad as in my horrible dream last night, lol.

I'm sure you'll get a lovely big hug when Matt gets home.


good luck helen fingers crossed xx
Well done Sam on your 6.5 you must be pleased with that. I hope you foot pain is now easier and that it will clear up soon.

congratualtions thats a great result, bang on target, hopefully next time you will get the same result made up of less swings.

gabapentin made me so sleepy when I first started taking it, falling asleep about 8pm, I also got headaches for the first few days. But for me it really helped with the pain. I do find that it still has some sedative effect for me. I hope thta it helps witht he pain.

it really has helped. Its starting to wear off now though, doc says i should try taking 2 tomorrow. It made me feel high as a kite though which was just wierd, and I slept for ages. I'm a bit scared about going to work next week though if I've got that stuff in my system. At least I have a few days to get used to the stuff.

I'm really pleased with it, worked so hard to get that down and am so pleased. Doc said if I keep it at that then the owies should settle down and go away. I hope so!!!!!!!!
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