Hba1c readings

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New Member
I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes with a hba1c reading off 119. After tests etc they decided I was actually type2 and 3 months later had a hba1c reading off 55. I’ve just had a new hba1c reading done and I’ve now dropped to 44. Has anyone else experienced this before at all.
Hi Richard and welcome

Congratulations on reducing your HbA1c so significantly!
When were you diagnosed and how did that original diagnosis come about? Was it a routine blood test or were you symptomatic? Did you unintentionally lose or gain weight prior to diagnosis?
Do you know what tests they did to establish your diabetes Type?

What if any medication are you on (or were you on)?
What dietary/lifestyle changes have you made?
Those things will impact your HbA1c and help to reduce it and there are many people here who have seen that sort of reduction and more, so it very much depends on the circumstances and what diabetes management has been implemented.
I was diagnosed after losing 9lbs in ten days but I was actually trying to lose weight at the time. Also I was waking up in the middle off the night needing the toilet and then feeling dehydrated. A blood test was taken on a Wednesday and they had me back in Thursday for a urine test which they originally said at the doctors they thought I was type 2. They then got me back in on the Friday and the doctor referred me to hospital and I spent 2 1/2 days in hospital which I felt fine all the time. On arrival my discharge letter said I was 18.7 and condition was unremarkable. But due to high levels they had me on a drip with insulin and one with potassium. The tests they did in hospital was a antibodie test which took 6/8 weeks to come back the results. I was on abaslagar and novo rapid for 3 months and I’ve been on metformin for 6 months two tablets a day. I got put on trulicity for 4 weeks 0.75 then they upped it to 1.5 and after a week off it I had abit of a reaction too it so I was taken off it and now I’ve not had any for two weeks so currently just on metformin twice daily. Ive also had in the last week 2 readings over 10 the first ones I’ve had in over 5 weeks
I’d say that I’ve probably cut down the amount off food I eat and also the amount of alcohol I drink. The insulin made me put about 1 1/2 stone on in wait I think now I’m down to about 15 stone 3
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