Hba1c motivation

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Got my results yesterday. 96 ! Up from 69. Diabetic nurse wanted to put me on insulin. But I am resistant as I think this is the last option. Glaclazize doubled , retest 3 months . No motivation to change . Anyone know of motivation literature specifically for diabetes?
Stay safe
Got my results yesterday. 96 ! Up from 69. Diabetic nurse wanted to put me on insulin. But I am resistant as I think this is the last option. Glaclazize doubled , retest 3 months . No motivation to change . Anyone know of motivation literature specifically for diabetes?
Stay safe
You have been diagnosed some time so I wonder if you need to re-evaluate your diet as over time things often gradually slip and your carbohydrate intake increases.
Try this link which may help you take a new look on your dietary regime.

Freshwell Low Carb Project – Real Food, Low Carb, Good ...https://lowcarbfreshwell.co.uk
I have had to reevaluate my eating a number of times over the years, and readjusted what I eat.
Thank you both . Tbh I don’t think I have truly accepted it . There has been changes to food intake which have been great . alas I have not stuck with them . I know what I should do I just don’t .
Well - how about a) staying alive and b) with the full complement of fully functional kidneys, eyes, toes, feet and legs ?

I find both very motivational meself.
100%! Pre diagnosis I was living an unhealthy lifestyle, I knew I was but didn’t do anything about. Once diagnosed I was done with that, that burger and fries looked less attractive with a side of stroke and amputation!!
Thank you . I think ? I congratulate you all on your mental resilience and determination. Although If the threat of dying , losing limbs etc was that easy , I would not be asking for some form of advice.
Thank you anyway
Hi @CELTICDUFF, yes, lots of things are easier said than done. I am not naturally a doom and gloom merchant who likes to use a threat of doom to as motivation for doing something. What I prefer to do is to compare whatever I am considering with other things I do and tell myself if I can cope with that, then I can cope with the new thing. It helps that I am a bit more analytical than emotional and try to look at all sides of a problem rather than focussing on one aspect of it.

Like busses. If you want to go to town, you have to get a bus. Damned inconvenient things. You have to walk to where they are, they don't come to you. You have to wait until one turns up. You then have to sit there while it wheezes and rattles and stops at every street corner on its way to somewhere near where you might want to be. Eventually you get home having done two of these dreadful journeys. Not the best experience ever (unless you are a bus nerd) but you take it and live with it if it is the only way you are going to get that new pair of socks from the shop you prefer, the one with the very helpful staff who allow you handle the goods before you buy.
hello Docb , completed get what you and others are saying. I suppose I was thinking that if threat of death or debilitating illness was enough to dramatically change peoples lifestyle choices there would be a dramatic reduction in death and Disability due to lifestyle. Now I am becoming doom and gloom
Thank You
Motivation has to come from within, diabetes comes with complications if not controlled so that should be motivation enough.
Thank you . I think ? I congratulate you all on your mental resilience and determination. Although If the threat of dying , losing limbs etc was that easy , I would not be asking for some form of advice.
Thank you anyway
Hi, I guess I and others were going for the tough love approach and forgetting that it’s not as straightforward as just stopping or changing, there is a definite mental aspect to it. Anyone with any sort of addiction can’t just stop and I believe living in a different way to how medically you should be is a compulsion hard to brake.

It’s not easy as you’re finding, I sense a level of hopelessness and upset, all natural and feelings I’m sure we’ve all have felt and will continue to feel. I know I struggled with motivation for change, pre diagnosis I was living a pretty unhealthy life, I needed to lose weight, I knew it was wrong and doing me harm yet I continued to do it because I didn’t have the motivation. Fortunately my diagnosis was a light switch moment.

I don’t know your situation, maybe set some goals to work towards, make them achievable and targeted, simply saying “I want to get into remission” is probably too big and open ended to really focus in on. Something like “I’m not going to drink sugary drinks this month”, or “no takeaways on week days”, slowly build up better habits and chip away at the mountain. Once you start to see and feel progression it’s addictive, you want more which helps with the habit building.

I’m not sure finding some sort of motivational text is going to kick start anything, I say that because I struggled with the mental side of weightloss pre diagnosis, sadly I think the only way to get into it is to start. Like I say, a marathon is one mile at a time, just start by trying to win the day, go a day with good habits, then try a week, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing straight away.

The important thing, which I’m sure you’re aware of is that it does need to be dealt with for your future health.

I started with the Newcastle Diet, very scary and horrific sounding when first presented to me, but actually not half as bad as I feared, the rapid changes it brings really excites you and keeps you on track. It’s not for everyone however I have Prof. Roy Taylors audio book (he came up with the Newcastle diet concept), it really explains the whole type 2 thing, the what’s and the whys, I found learning what was going on (or not going on) really got me into the whole subject, I also find sticking it on when I’m not feeling great actually picks me up again.

Another source I’ve found invaluable is this forum and the folks who’ve been doing this for years, their stories that life doesn’t have to be miserable and deprived, actually it’s just involves a little more thought and new habits.

I hope this is a bit more productive than my last post, drop me a DM if you need any support.
Thank You Mjt82 , for your reply is on the button so to speak.
How’s it going CELTICDUFF?

I had a blip, maybe a couple of days where I thought F-it, remembered my advice to you in this post and got back on it, if I win the day then that’s all I can do, them days soon add up to weeks, months etc….
Hello MJT82 . Still eating bad stuff. Although I have been on holiday. Hopefully pick a plan and stay with it . I think F**k it every day .
Hello MJT82 . Still eating bad stuff. Although I have been on holiday. Hopefully pick a plan and stay with it . I think F**k it every day .
I’ve been there trust me. I’m trying to log my journey as the reality of it all, there’s a lot of very positive and inspiring stories and posts on this forum, as inspiring to some they can put others on a bit of a downer. I’m trying to be real (not saying these people aren’t being real, just telling my story), there are days, weeks where I’m winning it, on message then almost at the flip of a switch, like literally minutes after patting myself on the back I’m thinking “it’s not as if cream eggs are around all year, you’ve done well this week, go on….” Have I given in, yes, did I regret it, yes, will I likely do it again, yes. We all fall down.

Like I’ve said before, all or nothing can be too big of a change too quickly and often too much of a change that you won’t believe it’s possible. Start small if need be, if you’ve been eating badly, even shifting to 50/50 good/bad is going to make a noticeable difference.

Simply by being in here, making the post you did shows you want to make some positive change, that’s awesome, that’s part of the battle. I was doing a job yesterday, over a cheese toastie being cooked (I work catering repair), I mentioned to a fella I was diabetic and couldn’t eat the toastie if I wanted too, he replied he was too, after feeling like I should’ve given him some sort of secret handshake being part of the brotherhood he told me he hasn’t stopped eating them and was on metformin but chose mainly not to take it. I said I was newly diagnosed so probably a bit too hardcore at this stage, he said he was less than a year in. Each to there own, some people choose to do nothing or very little, some, like yourself have chosen to try and help yourself.

Don’t beat yourself up over it….
Hello MJT82 . Still eating bad stuff. Although I have been on holiday. Hopefully pick a plan and stay with it . I think F**k it every day .
Perhaps you could try to find motivation in the "bad stuff": if there are foods you really like and keep going back to them, you could, one by one, learn recipes to get better versions of the bad stuff. For instance: if you fall for cookies, then you'd learn and make a few cookies low carb recipes.

Nowadays, there are so many recipes available on youtube with all the steps explained!

Finding the ingredients can be a problem, depending where in the world you are and your budget. I hope that isn't a problem for you.

Then there's ranting. If you find you feel at least a little better ranting, then try to remember to rant here before eating the "bad stuff". Who knows, it could keep you from eating the bad stuff at least a few times.

Motivation for exercising: I don't know if it applies to you, but if you're interested in ideas, here it is one. I like music and I only listen to some of them when I walk, or jog. So, I kind of look forward to going for a walk, so I can listen to my favorite music. I also listen to podcasts sometimes, while walking. When I find a good one, I'll walk the extra length to hear the end of an episode. Phones can read books, too. Any books. Free apps, no need to pay for the service and it works offline.

I hope you find your motivation. Sometimes a good, old cry helps to take things off our chest and feel a little better when life just seem to suck.

I'm rooting for you!
I’ve been there trust me. I’m trying to log my journey as the reality of it all, there’s a lot of very positive and inspiring stories and posts on this forum, as inspiring to some they can put others on a bit of a downer. I’m trying to be real (not saying these people aren’t being real, just telling my story), there are days, weeks where I’m winning it, on message then almost at the flip of a switch, like literally minutes after patting myself on the back I’m thinking “it’s not as if cream eggs are around all year, you’ve done well this week, go on….” Have I given in, yes, did I regret it, yes, will I likely do it again, yes. We all fall down.

Like I’ve said before, all or nothing can be too big of a change too quickly and often too much of a change that you won’t believe it’s possible. Start small if need be, if you’ve been eating badly, even shifting to 50/50 good/bad is going to make a noticeable difference.

Simply by being in here, making the post you did shows you want to make some positive change, that’s awesome, that’s part of the battle. I was doing a job yesterday, over a cheese toastie being cooked (I work catering repair), I mentioned to a fella I was diabetic and couldn’t eat the toastie if I wanted too, he replied he was too, after feeling like I should’ve given him some sort of secret handshake being part of the brotherhood he told me he hasn’t stopped eating them and was on metformin but chose mainly not to take it. I said I was newly diagnosed so probably a bit too hardcore at this stage, he said he was less than a year in. Each to there own, some people choose to do nothing or very little, some, like yourself have chosen to try and help yourself.

Don’t beat yourself up over it….
Cheers MJT82 , good advice.
Perhaps you could try to find motivation in the "bad stuff": if there are foods you really like and keep going back to them, you could, one by one, learn recipes to get better versions of the bad stuff. For instance: if you fall for cookies, then you'd learn and make a few cookies low carb recipes.

Nowadays, there are so many recipes available on youtube with all the steps explained!

Finding the ingredients can be a problem, depending where in the world you are and your budget. I hope that isn't a problem for you.

Then there's ranting. If you find you feel at least a little better ranting, then try to remember to rant here before eating the "bad stuff". Who knows, it could keep you from eating the bad stuff at least a few times.

Motivation for exercising: I don't know if it applies to you, but if you're interested in ideas, here it is one. I like music and I only listen to some of them when I walk, or jog. So, I kind of look forward to going for a walk, so I can listen to my favorite music. I also listen to podcasts sometimes, while walking. When I find a good one, I'll walk the extra length to hear the end of an episode. Phones can read books, too. Any books. Free apps, no need to pay for the service and it works offline.

I hope you find your motivation. Sometimes a good, old cry helps to take things off our chest and feel a little better when life just seem to suck.

I'm rooting for you!
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