hba1c level first one after having baby 5mths ago

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
rang today for my hba1c result and was told it was 9.1 which i was shocked at as during my pregnancy i kept under very good control at 6.1 and have not done anything diffferent since then yet its high.......obviously i would like to get this level down as fast as i can but cant seem too, any suggestions please i have been type 1 since 2007 after getting gestational diabeities with my 3rd child and it did not go away and so after after 4th (and last)child 5mnths ago its now hard to control as good as i used too..
hi sharron im going to bump this post good luck im sure advice will come soon...
Hi Sharron just wanted to say hi and welcome to the forum , do you do any exercise or physical activity , sorry i cant help more x
i am yes 3 injections of novorapid a day and levemir at night time have been on these 2 since 2007 and when fell pregnant my hbac1 was 9.8 and within 3wks i got it down to 6.1 stayed between 5.7 and 6.1 for all my pregnancy and since having baby in july i cannot control them they are high then drop fast, hypo then high again following day.....running pattern i dont eat a massive ammount and with not workin as on maternity at them in im not getting as much exercise as normal. maybe tht may have little to do with it do u think>>>>>
hi steph yes i do walk alot with youngest two children....but not physical exercise as i joined a gym but within ten mins of doing exercise my sugars drop fast.....
hi steph yes i do walk alot with youngest two children....but not physical exercise as i joined a gym but within ten mins of doing exercise my sugars drop fast.....

Same as me really I walk all the time now well unless the trip is more then 5 mile i get the bus, Im sorry i cant help more like i say but the insulin users will be able to help you more etc xx Your in here now and thats a good step for you , everyone im here will help you as best they can x
thanks steff its hard to keep yourself on track....i try really hard and am not and never beena big eater, was shocked to learn i had it in 07 as u dont ever imagine being preganant can bring such things well i didnt.lol but at 30wks pregnant i was diagnosed and put onto insulin within 4wks they gve me c sec tion as baby was getting distressed...then was aken of in march07 after 5wks of it then put back on it in the luly 07 and been on ever since...i am type 1/type 2 but insulin dependant they say...seems ur life changes so fast..learning to live with it is not too hard but controlling it is....my doctors are quite rubbish to be honest and since i had baby my local hospital dont take care of u once baby born only a yearly checkup which to me is rubbish
are you looked after by the hospital or your g.p? Do you have DSN you can book an appointment with? I'm a firm believer in writing things down, I know its time consuming and a bit of a chore but in the long run it does pay off. Perhaps you could do this so at least you have a starting point when you meet with the medics. I would ask for help asap. Don't struggle alone with this x
Hi Sharron, you should really be being cared for by a diabetic clinic/the hospital rather than your GP if you are on insulin. GPs can be very variable in their working knowledge of diabetes, and in particular the use of insulin. Do you carb count? If not, this may be part of the reason for your swinging levels. My best advice would be to find out what facilities are in your area for insulin-dependant diabetics - you should have access to training courses, a DSN and a consultant. Ask your GP for a referral soon. You're obviously trying very hard and it's clearly worrying you a great deal, so you need to snip it in the bud now, armed with good knowledge, confidence, and a supportive team behind you.

Let us know how you go on, and please keep us updated🙂
hi rainbow thank you for your response, i have diary that i write my bs levels in each day before each meal and after and past few mnths been up and down am poorly at the moment so they are sky high which annoys you as im sure does all people...i havnt been seen by hospital since had baby in july and only just asked to go for hba1c test last thurs and results were 9.1 which is too high they say..i have been good with eating etc so ant understand why this is high but obviously a reason for this somewhere..i have now upped my insulin by 2ml each injection and will do same again in 3days time if these bs levels are still high this is what i was told to do during pregnancy and worked so see how this goes.failing that have made appt with diabetic doc at my surgery for consult..since getting diabeties i habvt had much help or guidance and find this rather annoying at times as im not hugely up on it still learning new things each day
hi northerner thanks for your response, as i stated to another member i havnt been seen or spoke to since had baby in july which is rather annoying....i had hba1c last thur thts first contact and tht was from gp as needed prescription..i dont carb count never heard of it to be trueful..read about it but didnt understand it at all..was this me being thick i wonder.haha....i have upped my insulin 2day by 2ml each injection and watch it over next 3days then if still high will up again as was told to do this during pregnancy and it worked..failing that appt with diabetic dr is booked for nxt thurs so heres to looking up i hope 🙂
hi northerner thanks for your response, as i stated to another member i havnt been seen or spoke to since had baby in july which is rather annoying....i had hba1c last thur thts first contact and tht was from gp as needed prescription..i dont carb count never heard of it to be trueful..read about it but didnt understand it at all..was this me being thick i wonder.haha....i have upped my insulin 2day by 2ml each injection and watch it over next 3days then if still high will up again as was told to do this during pregnancy and it worked..failing that appt with diabetic dr is booked for nxt thurs so heres to looking up i hope 🙂

Hi Sharron, so sorry that you have been so neglected by your 'team'! With me, I was given fixed doses for a couple of weeks or so for each meal, and the nurse at the clinic would ring me each day to see how my levels had been and gave me instructions on how to adjust the dose. Then, I went on a short course which taught me about carb-counting and from then on I was able to adjust my insulin according to what I ate, whether I had been exercising etc. I think it's one of those things that sounds tricky, but actually becomes quite easy with a little experience. Most people can estimate their insulin for a familiar meal by sight, and don't have to weigh everything or do any complex calculations - a lot of it is actually trial and error. You've made a good start by recording your food, levels and doses.

Your PCT have to provide you with some form of structured education about your diabetes, so hassle them until they get you some!
Hi Sharron,

Your experience sounds really similar to mine, post baby back in 07... I'm guessing when you had the baby, they cut your doses right back to pre pregnancy levels? I think this is partly due to the change in hormone levels, but also to try & prevent hypos during especially the early days & when breastfeeding... I was wondering if you had been breastfeeding & have since stopped, as that will affect how much insulin you need and might explain the trend up in sugar levels? I tried (not overly successfully!) to breast feed and we ended up doing part feeds & top-ups with bottles (slow reducing number of bfeeds) for around five months...so in hindsight my insulin requirements crept up resulting in poor control, but I was too tired & frazzled to spot it! Do you think that maybe that's happening with you?

It is really, really hard to maintain good blood glucose control with a little baby to look after - the tendency is to put baby first, which meant I forgot to check / inject, got carb counting wrong, etc etc, and then you only need a few hypos to get things really fun eh?! 🙄

The other thought was when you have the hypos, is it because you have over corrected for a previously high result (eg are they within a coupe of hours of a novorapid dose), or is it unassociated with an obvious cause due to quick acting insulin, exercise or feeding? I find if I have a bad hypo, even if I don't hamster my hypo treatment I can get visciously high results afterwards as my body over reacts...which then clouds the overall picture as to what's going on with my background insulin! I know my diabetic team have been nagging me to "remove hypos first, then address the highs"... don't know if that helps you though!

Don't know if any of that was helpful... if I were you I would badger your care team for some close support for a couple of months til things calm down - get the consultant to review your doses & then ask for a weekly call with a switched on dsn (if you've got one lol!)... I was really shocked at how utterly c*** the post natal care is for insulin dependent diabetics - you really get the feeling that once baby's out safely mother can go hang! 😱

Anyway, hope the hospital appt is helpful!

All the best,

Twitchy x
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