HbA1c etc

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Had my check up this morning - my HbA1c is 6.1 (slightly up from 6.0 last time) Weight is up 2.2kg (not surprising as my eating has gone totally to pot recently.) Blood pressure - best for ages at 120/80. Wee OK. Good results all round I suppose.

I'm still waiting for a mental health assessment that I've been referred for - hoping that comes soon.
Hey Anita, those are pretty good readings all round! Especially the BP (jealous!). I'm sure that 6.1 and 6.0 are probably about as accurate as it gets so it looks to me that you are maintaining control well, plus the weight gain is not excessive by any stretch, just maybe need to get it heading in the other direction for next time. Well done! 🙂
Well done, sounds like a good maintain.
Wow- these are great stats!

Something always seems to give and I hope you arent upset about the weight gain, it is only a small one. I love your BP, very text-book!

Congrats! 🙂
Well done Anita!

Keep things like that - in particular don't let the HbA1c start rising. Keep on track!

Good luck and best wishes - John
Well done Anita, it may have risen but it's not a huge rise so don't be too hard on yourself about it 🙂 xx
Definitely a positive result. Well done!

My weight is very much up and down at the moment too. I'm going to be putting in a bit of a push over the next month or so, to get it back on track! Maybe we can spur each other on eh?

Andy 🙂
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