HbA1c down in 5 weeks?

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I had a HbA1c test on 5th February. It was 6.4%. I had to have another one done yesterday. Got the result today. 5.8%? Can that be an accurate reflection?
Your surgery is still using the old units of measurement, here is the link for the converting to the units now used mmol/mol.
Anyway the first one is just at the top end of prediabetes and the second is normal below 42mmol/mol
Well done, I assume you made some substantial lifestyle changes which look as they have been very successful. The thing now is to maintain that so as not to slip back.
Hi. Yes, sorry, last month it was 47 mmol. I had my bloods taken yesterday. When I got the result today, it was 40 mmol.

I thought that was a pretty huge change from last month. It did make me wonder if that would be an accurate reflection. But I’m happy all the same.
What have you been doing over the last 3-4 months to bring it down; diet, exercise, sleep, etc?
In November last year, it was 45 mmol. But it went up to 47 last month. After that, I started swapping white bread for wholemeal bread, watched my portions, lost 9kg in weight, ate plenty more vegetables and got more daily walks in. Also restricted my carb intake to around 75-90g a day.
In November last year, it was 45 mmol. But it went up to 47 last month. After that, I started swapping white bread for wholemeal bread, watched my portions, lost 9kg in weight, ate plenty more vegetables and got more daily walks in. Also restricted my carb intake to around 75-90g a day.
There you go then, RESULT!!, it can be done.
Congratulations on a great reduction and in just 5 weeks. Yes, it is possible. Lifestyle changes and particularly following a low carb way of eating can be a very powerful tool in lowering your BG and hence your HbA1c. The HbA1c is as you probably know a reflection of your BG over the past 3 months ish, but is weighted more towards the most recent weeks, so I would expect it to go down further by your next test if you continue with the measures you have taken. I don't know if you have gone low carb or perhaps low calorie and lost some weight but whatever you are doing, keep at it as that is an excellent result. WELL DONE!
Absolutely - I did 91 to 47 in 80 days low carb, no more than 50gm a day, all from low carb foods.
It is so very effective for the plain and ordinary type 2.
Some are more complicated, but for many it is like turning off the taps and the kitchen is no longer flooding - job done.
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