HbA1C down 96 to 42

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Well phone from GP repeat bloods as WBC and CRP raised more than he would like - did I have an infection? Well when you have allergies and fibro....its one long runny nose after the other! I would not know if I had cold or just plain allergies!
But the HbA1C which was 96 in October when diagnosed is now 42! So much so that he is already considering if in fact I have reversed it already. Thinks maybe I was prediabetic after all and a bit extra weight plus an dental infection had pushed it over the threshold....and now three month later with 26 lb off and a low carb diet.... thinks its reversed...I did not think it could be done so fast...GP said he had to do a double take himself! Never heard a doctor so excited...except he still was kind of saying just goes to show if you watch what you eat and excercise more what you can do....that wound me up...when I see him I will remind him not to stereotype people... even my fibro he said can be down to weight...err no...actually I was a size 8 and was in a car accident!...but don't worry I will raise this matter...doctors HAVE to stop burying their heads in the sand about how drugs can impact on peoples metabolism and weight....the clinical papers are there to read as plain as your face.It is time to stop blaming every patient for there weight or metabolic disorder!
So face to face meeting next week to review the meds. Perhaps take me off them all he said.
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Well done on the amazing reduction :D You must be super pleased with yourself!!
Well done on the amazing reduction :D You must be super pleased with yourself!!
I am pretty pleased all the same his comments left a sting. All my life i have battled to watch my weight. I always had to weigh every thing I ate. I exercised to excess just to keep in a healthy ratio til i had a car accident put pay to that...and with the injuries the developing fibro and the fibro meds...it became impossible. I could only get so far before my body fought back.
So I get very prickly about stereotyping. I have already refused to join a counterweight group because I specifically said I did not need help with diet I needed help to find exercise I could do to help with weight loss and maintenance that would not send me flat on my back for weeks and be counterproductive....so they sent me a leaflet for the classes that read like an AA meeting for fat greedy lazy people....so I emailed back and declined the offer and said it was not what I required!
I don't doubt there are some people might need those things but not every one and it is humiliating to be type cast.
I think I want to say to this GP that I think the HBA1c came down so fast because I already had a good diet and all I did was go down to 120g carbs! Which is pretty much what I did. The meds then helped me use my energy source ( glucose) properly instead fo storing it! ( Thanks tricylcics!).
Huge congratulations @Brambleberry

But sorry to hear about the slightly snarky comment :(

Hope the med review goes well.
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