Hba1c approaches


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
As my annual Hba1c gets closer, I start to use Mysugr app. I know it isn't that accurate, but it gives me some idea of what my blood test may deliver. The actual blood test looks over a 2 -3 month timescale and also checks other stuff that the app doesn't do. I normally add 3 to the estimate and see how close it is. I do the same thing every year, I surely can't be the only one?
I'm normally very good in the 3 month run up to August which is when my annual bloods are done. This is great because it is summer and easier to be good. Now the DN wants me back again in Feb for no reason in particular, so that's my Christmas down the pan! :(
Best of luck with it Sharron xx
Bad luck on change to Feb...
If my Hba1c is ok, I am gearing myself up to the let's see what happens if I reduce metformin to one in the morning and one in the evening, no doubt 'if it aint broke don't fix it' will be the 'reasoned' argument. Next in ny alloted 10 mins will be Statins, and after she hasn't read my notes and I relate the problems I had with Avothingy, could I try Ezetimibe without the statin and see what happens? At least she can't use the ain't broke argument because it clearly was!! The GP thought I had rampant liver disease BTW, I didn’t.

Sigh x1bn.
As my annual Hba1c gets closer, I start to use Mysugr app. I know it isn't that accurate, but it gives me some idea of what my blood test may deliver. The actual blood test looks over a 2 -3 month timescale and also checks other stuff that the app doesn't do. I normally add 3 to the estimate and see how close it is. I do the same thing every year, I surely can't be the only one?
Haha I know the feeling! My annual diabetic check with the nurse beckons and I’m getting nervous that my HbA1c will have gone up since the last one. Good luck with yours, is your Mysugr app score looking positive??
Mysugr app gave me an estimated Hba1c of 33, but from experience the actual Hba1c is at least 2-3 points higher. I expect this is because other things/stuff are measured with the blood test. However, time will tell