Hba1c 70 - 42 in 6.5 weeks

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I just wanted to post something to potentially give hope and motivate others in my position. I'm a 34 year old female who weighed 13 stone and 3 ibs. On the 3rd Oct 2023 I had a mot blood test. Everything came back normal apart from my Hba1c which was 70! Now this meant nothing to me as I didn't know anything about readings for type 2 diabetes. The receptionist at my doctors said it should be below 42! I completely panicked, I'm not great with anything health related and it sent my anxiety through the roof! I was told to come in later that evening to see a nurse.
They checked my urine telling me I had high sugar levels and a finger prick test of 12.1 and told its highly likely I have type 2 diabetes. This came as a shock as i've had no symptoms.
He discussed with me briefly the sort of food I should be eating to eat wholemeal bread, pasta and rice. Veg ect and to cut out all those things you know are bad. He gave me a leaflet and sent me on my way and said come back in 6 weeks for another blood test. He explained we can't diagnose you until we get a second reading.
So one of the first things I did was come to this forum, read posts and try to understand what type 2 Diabetes is and what I needed to do. I also read some posts about remission and that its possible. I knew straight away this is the road i want to take, i dont want to be on medication if there is another way.I found some amazing books, I've spent hours listening and reading to gain as much knowledge as possible from how to reverse type 2 and food nutrition. I realised I needed to completely change my lifestyle. I currently work as a taxi driver in our family business 6 days a week. I wasn't moving at all and as for my diet I didn't realise how many carbs I was eating! I changed my diet from day 1 to very low carb, Greek yog and berries for breakfast, lots if veg & salad and chicken. And NO pasta rice bread or potatoes! I also started walking everyday. I was doing at least 2 miles a day. Drinking plenty of water, I swapped semi skimmed milk for almond milk and continued to have tea and coffee. I also used nutrcheck to count my calories and carbs which helped massively.
Fast forward 6.5 weeks I now weigh 11 stone 12 ibs. I had my 2nd blood test on 19th Dec 23 and the result 42! I couldn't belive it when she said 42, I said are u sure?! She said yes that's amazing how the hell did u do it?! I literally cried lol. I asked if the doctor needs to see me as I know 42 is the bottom end of the pre diabetic. She told me no there is no need. I will be continuing with my new eating habits as i still need to lose more weight. But I now have a greater understanding of how important nutrition and diet really is. I will request a new Hba1c in 3 months as I think that would be the best thing to do. I hope this can give just 1 person some motivation to be able to change things around 🙂
Many congratulations on a fabulous result and in such a short time scale. A massive WELL DONE for all the research and effort you have put in to changing your diet and activity levels and your reward is not just your fab HbA1c result but also your weight loss and hopefully feeling better/healthier in general. Funny how that diabetes diagnosis has actually made you healthier isn't it. :confused: I certainly feel that way. It was the kick up the pants I needed to change things.

Anyway, best of luck with maintaining that great reduction and many thanks for posting your story as I know that it will certainly motivate and inspire others. Just a shame that GP doesn't get any feedback about the advice he gave you as sadly the next person may not be as switched on as you to do their own research and that GP may well look at your results and assume you followed his advice and it works and continue to perpetuate the wholemeal/wholegrain myth. 🙄
Very well done, good job you went your own way and didn't follow that nurse's advice about eating wholemeal, bread, rice and pasta as it is just as many carbs as the white stuff, just tastes better and maybe for some people converts to glucose more slowly.
I found my low carb way is now my new way of eating.
Many congratulations on a fabulous result and in such a short time scale. A massive WELL DONE for all the research and effort you have put in to changing your diet and activity levels and your reward is not just your fab HbA1c result but also your weight loss and hopefully feeling better/healthier in general. Funny how that diabetes diagnosis has actually made you healthier isn't it. :confused: I certainly feel that way. It was the kick up the pants I needed to change things.

Anyway, best of luck with maintaining that great reduction and many thanks for posting your story as I know that it will certainly motivate and inspire others. Just a shame that GP doesn't get any feedback about the advice he gave you as sadly the next person may not be as switched on as you to do their own research and that GP may well look at your results and assume you followed his advice and it works and continue to perpetuate the wholemeal/wholegrain myth. 🙄
Thanks so much it's so true about the diagnosis it has made me healthier the nurse told me to eat a burger that night and not worry! And to eat wholemeal bread ect.. he also told me that i prob wouldnt be able to get my next result down enough and that a diagnosis was enevitable. I'm glad I did my own research. Its a shame I never spoke to my gp about any of this. Thanks so much for your reply, means a lot x
Very well done, good job you went your own way and didn't follow that nurse's advice about eating wholemeal, bread, rice and pasta as it is just as many carbs as the white stuff, just tastes better and maybe for some people converts to glucose more slowly.
I found my low carb way is now my new way of eating.
Thank you! yes low carb is the way! For sure! X
Congratulations @danni8989. That is a great result in a short time! Keep doing what you are doing and all the best.
Brilliant result, well done. Stick with what you're doing. Some of us have come down from 3 figures and into normal numbers by embracing exactly the same regime that you're following.
That's a really good read - well done. It just isn't too difficult but a lot of people don't have the drive or interest to change habits. A change of diet and more physical expenditure.
Well done achieving your goals. So glad you didn’t follow the advice given by your GP.
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