Hazard of injecting before a meal!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Went for a pub lunch today, ordered lasagne, and as usual, I estimated the carbs when it arrived and then injected the full amount.

Unfortunately, after a few bites I found a hair in it, and not the kind from someone's head.....!😱

So I didn't eat the rest of it, got a refund and didn't want to try anything else from the menu.

I did have some gluco tabs with me, but didn't want to finish my meal off with them, so I ended up having to walk into town to find something else- had some yummy truffle cake in M+S to help me over the trauma!

Maybe in future I'll just inject half the units at the start of a meal in case I find something unsavoury in it. And I'll never eat at that pub again!
Sounds a not very nice experience, and one of the risks you run I'm afraid.

Not everone has a good standard of hygiene and things do sometimes get into our food.
Eeeewww!😱 At least the hair would have been mostly protein...

I've had it a few times where I have injected and then my appetite has failed me. I imagine it must happen a lot with the poor people on mixed insulin/two injections a day.
I went out for a pub lunch a few weeks back, as it was a carvery type meal, usually you go in and sit down, order drinks and then told to help yourself to food.

So I thought I would have my injection in the car before going in, got inside and it was quiet, sat down and waitress took drink order and said food would be open at 12 o'clock😱.... it was only 11.30. I ate some gluco-tabs in the mean time. A lesson learnt, I won't be doing that again!

I once made the terrible mistake of eating in the place I work lol, and i dont know if someone was winding me up or not but I found a label in my food i would not mind but if they wanted to kill me off just give me a spicy curry and im on the deck lol
fire alarms

In student / nurses accommodation, where fire alarms go often more than in other places I've lived, I've found it's always best to eat first, then inject, as ending up in the street with short-acting insulin in your system, but not easy access to food is not a good combination... Particularly in one catered student hostel, where food was provided, I learned to keep pockets full of alternatives (and a warm coat to hand) and never to inject before eating, as occasionally we had to evacuate from the queue.
This is a difficult one isn't it. It happened to me recently in a restaurant. Injected after eating my starter ready for my main course, which didn't arrive for another 90 minutes! By the time it came I was too full of lucozade and custard creams from my bag that I didn't want it! Another advantage of being diabetic I guess....NOT!

I suppose the only saving grace was that it was a sterilised hair as I'd already sent the lasagne back to be microwaved some more as it was served luke warm...

I did wonder how it got there though, do some pub chefs cook naked? Or just not wash their hands after visiting the loo....? Horrible thoughts....
...I did wonder how it got there though, do some pub chefs cook naked? Or just not wash their hands after visiting the loo....? Horrible thoughts....

Wasn't Jamie Oliver first known as The Naked Chef? Maybe he started a trend!😱

I once found some fur in a chicken curry...

I always inject after my meal for a number of reasons.

1. Modern insulin starts acting very rapidly (within 15-30mins)
2. You might end up not finishing your meal
3. If you are eating out you could be guessing how big the portion sizes are before the food arrives

I understand that some people do inject beforehand to try to math the insulin spike with the food spike and I could do that when I'm eating at home but I just prefer to do it afterwards.

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