having bad day

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi feeling down 2day afraid i've been at the chocolate now not only down but feeling very cross with myself and tired and grumpy.anyone out there know good substitute (food\activity) for staying off the chocolate.any tips for loosing weight gratefully accepted too. p.s new 2 computing 2 and if i could work out how 2 do it would have put cross face icon here!made myself smile now i can just hear my more computer literate mate laughing at me as she tries 2 help thanks 4 listening jan
Hi Smith 🙂 Don't feel bad about eating the chocolate, everyone comfort eats every once in a while (and some more than others, like me! :D). Personally I like to snack on nuts because they are low in carbs and contain 'good' fats + I like them just as much as chocolate.

In terms of activities that will help to stop you thinking about eating, whilst also helping to lose weight, I would say that you need to find something you enjoy doing. Maybe just something as simple as going for a walk? Or a sport such as badmington, tennis or perhaps a fitness class. Once you get into an activity you enjoy you won't even feel like it's exercise :D
I'd agree with Katie in terms of activities, you could try to see if any friends also want to start an activity and do so together.
Hope you don't feel down for too much longer.

In terms of smilies, just click the appropriate face on the right hand side of the message screen 😎

Just wanted to say that I know exactly how you feel - i love chocolate, and have moments when I really slip up, causing levels to pay afterwards. It gets frustrating and leaves you feeling downhearted. With regards to alternatives, I find that yoghurt coated nuts are a better option, but ideally something like the Food Doctor's Original Seed mix is a healthier but still yummy substitute. And it still fills the gap when you need just a bit of something!
Hope that helps.
thanks 2 all who replied 2 "having bad day"decided 2 4get 2days blip and focus on getting back 2 sensible eating 2morrow (well as near 2 it as i ever get!)jan
I hope you are feeling better.

I have started making my own yoghurt (have a kit from Easiyo). It is low carb and if I want a bit more in it I add some fruit or nuts. If you realy need the chocolate like I do from time to time, grate some into the yoghurt.
hope you are feeling better today, I've had a bad one feeling very down so have started on the chocolate already. So you are not alone we all do it sometimes.
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