Having a grump...feel rubbish

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Sorry folks, I'm a bit cheesed off today and feel like complete poo. I changed my set late last night as I was getting raised BSs and an itchy feeling round the site, sure sign of an impending site infection for me. About 11pm, later than I'd like as I was going to bed but needs must and all that. Dialled in a correction for the high BS and all seemed fine.

I woke up at 6am to the no delivery alarm. Bent cannula. BS was 24 (!). Changed set (again), corrected (again) and waited. Fortunately, this one is fine but getting reasonable BSs again has been a looooooooooooong process today, interspersed with school runs, entertaining the baby, builders having knocked out my kitchen (roll on next week when the new one is in and usable!). I feel absolutely shocking. Gah.
Sorry you've had that to deal with on top of everything else :( Hopefully, you can get good levels and an untroubled night's sleep, and dream about your wonderful new kitchen! 🙂

What a nightmare for you Cate. It is a total bummer getting those numbers down if you start the day high, really hard work and no end of temp basals and bolus'.

I hope tomorrow is a better day for you.

Hi Cate,

I hope you have a better day tomorrow and your kitchen is finished soon.🙂Bev
Thanks folks 🙂 I'm off to bed now as I have reasonable levels again...PHEW!

The kitchen will be fab once it's done, but it's going to take about 3 weeks to complete - we're just over a week into it now, and I spent last week at my mum's with the kids! Ho hum, will have to think of more microwaveable meals 🙄
Hope it gets finished soomn! We had the very worst time with builders... one lot pushed off with ?10,000 of our money, left work that was condemned by building inspector, had to have it removed and rebuilt (only the foundations and one wall, anothr ?10,000 because of the mess) and we had to wait a year with a hole in our neighbour's wall to find a builder willing to do it... the whole job then took another 3 years, and I was living in one room while the rest of the house was rebuilt with 2 children and their toys and the washing... I did survive, despite starting on pump thrapy at the same time!
Hi Cate,
hope you are feeling better this AM.

It must have been cannula failure day yeaterday. I had one to 😡 My blood sugar refused to move for hours from 15mmol even though I had a temp 200% basal running. But back to normal this morning. This was only about the 2nd one I had had in 3 years of pumping so a shock to the system.
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