Haven't been in for a while .........

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Lotas going on here:(

Well went to the Renal clinic last week and was told I have a rare diease of the Kidneys and now will have to have Dialysis .. That a blow I didn't need ...... can't get my head round it at the mo....

What else can go wrong now? I have been Diabetic for a number of years , I now have insulin , pills for this that and the other, had a stroke 2 yrs ago and in a wheel chair now ..........

I feel totally gutted .. Thanks for listening,,
Hugs Mo xx
awwww Mo. I'm sorry you are having such a rough time. *hugs* I know we will always be here to support you & listen when you want to rant. Just wish there was more to I could do xx
Oh Mo, so sorry to hear of this extra problem :( How often will you need the dialysis, and will you need to travel far for it? Try and be brave, I hope you have lots of good, supportive people around you, and we are always here if you need to talk 🙂

Do please let us know how things go.
Mo - sorry you are having such an awful time, I can believe it would take a while to come to terns with.

Mo (HUGZ!) Sorry to hear youve had or more bad news. Here to support you like the others. Keep smiling :D it makes it more bareable.
Sorry you are having such a tough time. Have a moan, we will listen and offer support. It helps to have a moan from time to time and this is the place to do it1
Thats really sad news- I am sorry. As Northener says, be brave. It must be an almighty shock, hope we can be here for you or you find some comfort amongst us on the board.

Welcome, by the way. Sorry it is at a bad time for you. Hugs xxx
Lotas going on here:(

Well went to the Renal clinic last week and was told I have a rare diease of the Kidneys and now will have to have Dialysis .. That a blow I didn't need ...... can't get my head round it at the mo....

What else can go wrong now? I have been Diabetic for a number of years , I now have insulin , pills for this that and the other, had a stroke 2 yrs ago and in a wheel chair now ..........

I feel totally gutted .. Thanks for listening,,
Hugs Mo xx

I am a newbie on site and I wish you all the support at this difficult time.
hi I am so sorry that this has happened to you, we are all here if you need our support, be brave and keep you chin up.

"hug" angie🙂

Hi Mo

Sorry to hear your having such a horrible time.

Everyone on here is really helpful and supportive. I learnt more from this website than I have from the 'professionals' at my Doctor's surgery and hospital.

All the best

Andy xx
So sorry to hear your news xxx if any on us can do anything just shout xxx hugs xxx
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