Have you read this about the Taser attack?

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A number of you may have seen this but my son reminded me yesterday. It's frightening what could have happened



Yes I did hear about this, and I was horrified! Especially in light of the fact that more tazers are to be issued and they might become as commonplace as in the States.

Perhaps this site should have an award for the greatest ignorance of the condition shown by a fellow human who ought to know better. I'm thinking also of a previous post where a first-aid trainer had suggested a diabetic would treat a hypo with an insulin injection. Or even the many doctors who show a terriblly incomplete or outdated knowledge of diabetes, its treatment and consequences.

I admit that my 'layman's' knowledge of diabetes was very scanty before my diagnosis, and I'm embarrassed now by it, but police and health care people really ought to know better.
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