Have you ever needed the airport letter for devices or insulin?


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi folks,

I’ve been quite on here as we purchased and moved into our first home on Tuesday. It’s been chaos and busy, loads of hypos and I have had my insulin turned off for hours in the day.

Anyway we go away to Tenerife on Wednesday and I have just realised I haven’t printed off my usual airport letter. I have never needed the letter once. Do I just risk it?
Have you ever needed it?

Should be fine for Tenerife I lost count of how many other diabetics with wearable devices I saw last time we went. But it was bout 5 of us in the same medium sized hotel. And Manchester are normally alright, I might get the sunflower lanyard this time as this should help me feel less worried about this.
I have heard issues with T1s in airports before but not for a while, and never in Europe.

I have the letter on my phone, in my emails
. I likely have a paper copy of a prescription although I have no idea where. Again it’s on my phone too.

Glad we will be in this house for life now as I cannot move again.
It’s chaos. We didn’t hire a moving van as we have VW so it’s been a lot of trips and just us and a teenager, my brother helped with one load but otherwise that’s it.

Well done on getting the move done

I've never needed the letter across probably 20 something flights
Moving house is incredibly stressful and exhausting @PhoebeC ! I’ve done it far too much! It’s good you’ve got a holiday to relax. I can’t comment on Tenerife as I’ve never been, but I did need to show my letter in Eastern Europe and France. If it’s on your phone, you should be ok, I’d think.
I am heading off to Tenerife a week Wednesday and I am not troubling the clinic staff or my doctor for a letter. This is my first time going abroad since diagnosis and I just get annual telephone appointments so haven't seen anyone to get a letter since we decided we were going and really don't feel like it warrants bothering them and I really don't think we should need it, so I am chancing it. I do however have a paper copy of my prescriptions which I will be collecting this week, so it will be very recent and hope that will be enough if I need anything.

Congrats on your new home by the way. Hope you will be very happy there.
My GP did my letter @rebrascora His secretary contacted me and checked what I needed written, then typed it up on official paper in English and French.
The last time I needed it was when I went to Germany as a teenager. Maybe 19 years ago.
Does make me nervous.
I’ve got all of my things at least, just need to pack it now.
Hand luggage case only emptied last night so I will pack my diabetes stuff and buy some more sweets. That’s should help me worry less.
Yes my DSN emailed mine, all I did was email her. And then when I got my pump I asked for the updated version which has a diagram of which scanners I am allowed into. I must have that somewhere. Hopefully I can find it today.
In 20 years and literally hundreds of flights, I have needed my letter once. And that was during heightened alert due to the Shoe Bomber.
I got a new letter with my pump and never shown it to anyone. If airport security suggest I use the full body scanner, I decline the offer and get a manual swipe/pat down.
Never needed to show my letter at airports, it will be long lost now anyway but think repeat prescription slip, pod/controller, Dex sensor/apps on phone plus glucose insulin pump supplies would be enough evidence to prove I'm type 1.
Moving is exhausting but unlike packing, unpacking doesn’t need to all be done immediately. No deadline to meet. Enjoy your new house.

I have needed my letter twice in 16 years. Better to have a copy with you if you can, as you don’t want any issues at the airport, unlikely as that it.

Enjoy your break from the dust and chaos.
Can’t wait for the break. We will have no option but to rest. Thursday we are going to do something we rarely ever do stay in or very close to the hotel and just be by the pool or sea and do nothing. Can’t wait :D

We watched booked this in June, we had been waiting for the chain of House that we had the offer accepted for in December 2023.

We still have no movement by June even though we were told we would have a date by then. We saw a good offer on a holiday on the Monday, and thought if it’s not moving at least we should have something to look forward to, then saw the advert for this house on the Wednesday, and went to see on the Thursday and offered. We then pulled out of the other.

Now just over 2 months later we are in and how the dates fell for the move and flights have worked out very well. Cannot wait for the rest.
Anyway we go away to Tenerife on Wednesday and I have just realised I haven’t printed off my usual airport letter. I have never needed the letter once. Do I just risk it?
Have you ever needed it?
I’d have either the letter or your prescriptions available on your phone to show if needed.
Going to Barcelona at the end of the month and luckily for me I've got everything I need to prove my status as a T1D on my smartphone so I don't need to worry..plus and most importantly...well done on the move @PhoebeC..
Safe travels @PhoebeC

Hope you have a lovely time!

And also I kinda hope you don’t ever need to show your paperwork, even though you have now found it 🙂
Have a good one, oh and them pods where fine in the pool and even in the hot tub :rofl:
I’ve lost one on the beach today. It was just suddenly hanging off me and my levels where at 23 😳 I had been in and out of the ocean so I don’t think it liked that. Glad I had a spare on me.
Can add beach to the list of random places I have now replaced a pod.
Letter not needed. I got a full pat down by security as I said I couldn’t go through the 3D scanner.
I’ve lost one on the beach today. It was just suddenly hanging off me and my levels where at 23 😳 I had been in and out of the ocean so I don’t think it liked that. Glad I had a spare on me.
Can add beach to the list of random places I have now replaced a pod.
Letter not needed. I got a full pat down by security as I said I couldn’t go through the 3D scanner.
So it can stand up to getting duffed up by an 18 stone rugby player but brush it with a bit of seaweed and it’s done for! Sounds right with diabetes don’t it :rofl: