Have you ever been prescribed Ertugliflozin?

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Diabetes UK

Know Diabetes. Fight Diabetes
Staff member
Have you, or someone you care for ever been prescribed Ertugliflozin?

Diabetes UK have been asked to help input into a forthcoming NICE technology appraisal looking at Ertugliflozin. Ertugliflozin is a SGLT2 inhibitor which works similar to the other medications in the SGLT2 inhibitor family and is administered orally.
NICE would like us to help them decide whether this drug should be made available in the NHS in the form they are considering. In this case as a drug on its own or in combination with other drugs for treating adults aged 18 years and older with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. This will be through putting together a patient organisation submission, which we need to send back to NICE by 10th August. For us to be able to make this submission, NICE would like us to provide information on people’s experience of Type 2 diabetes and the treatment you have received including having been prescribed this treatment.
If you have experience with Ertugliflozin or is caring /have cared for someone with Type 2 diabetes on this medication and would like to take part in the NICE Technology appraisal as a patient expert, please contact Esther at Esther.Njoya@diabetes.org.uk before 3rd August 2018.

Thank you
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