Have a type 2 remission story to share?(CLOSED)

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Josh DUK

Former Online Community and Learning Manager
Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Have you got a type 2 remission story that will help others?

At Diabetes UK, we want to provide lots more information and support for people about type 2 diabetes remission. In January 2024, we’ll be launching a brand-new type 2 remission section on our website to answer the key questions people have about remission. We're also adding a new type 2 remission course to our Learning Zone educational platform to support people with trying to go into remission.

We want to include stories from people with lived experience. We know that real life stories really help and inspire others. If you’re in type 2 remission, have been in remission, or are trying to go into it, we'd love to hear from you.

To find out more contact the lovely Paula Williams, our Stories Officer by emailing paula.williams@diabetes.org.uk

Alternatively you can share your story in this thread.

Josh DUK

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Important to be realistic in this and not give false hope, remission isn’t possible for everyone. Often see people made to feel really down about themselves and why their efforts aren’t enough for them to avoid medication when they’re trying the same things others have suggested.
Important to be realistic in this and not give false hope, remission isn’t possible for everyone. .
I agree. It's not a guarantee. No one knows why it works for some and not for others, even when they're doing pretty much the same things. I consider myself to be one of the lucky ones. I'm also aware that it's not a cure and that I can't allow myself to slip back into my old ways or it will have been all in vain.
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I have been very lucky. I was only diagnosed with borderline type 2 back in July (my levels where 51). I immediately went on a low carb diet and after my latest blood test last week I have lost 3st in weight and now have a reading of 36.
I agree that everyone is different and what works for some might not necessarily work for others.
I have been very lucky. I was only diagnosed with borderline type 2 back in July (my levels where 51). I immediately went on a low carb diet and after my latest blood test last week I have lost 3st in weight and now have a reading of 36.
I agree that everyone is different and what works for some might not necessarily work for others.
That's fantastic @Stewpot@28, congratulations! :D
I have been very lucky. I was only diagnosed with borderline type 2 back in July (my levels were 51). I immediately went on a low carb diet and after my latest blood test last week I have lost 3st in weight and now have a reading of 36.
I agree that everyone is different and what works for some might not necessarily work for others.
That's a great result in 3 months - well done. Target now is to stay there.

I consider myself to be lucky, too. No one knows why some get to remission while others don't, despite doing the same things. One of life's many mysteries.
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