Have a guess...?

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've been debating whether to put this up or not this time as I'm a little worried about but in the interests of being open I've decided to go ahead.

So, have my 6month review at the diabetes clinic on Tuesday and will get my latest hba1c, anyone fancy having a guess....?

My last 2 have been 7%, I did have good hopes for this next one but I've had a nightmare couple of weeks so fear it may have gone up. Will be disappointed, some of you know the story already but for those that don't.... I was given a bottle of really nice champagne what I graduated 5 years ago and vowed I would only have it when my a1c goes below 7, so the last few times with it being 7 it has been very frustrating, annoyed as I think I'm going to miss out again :(
Hi aymes - I'll go for a 5.9%!

Good luck - John
Put the champagne on ice and get the flutes out! I have cast the bones, swirled the tea leaves and consulted the goat droppings - 6.5% is my undoubtedly accurate guess!🙂
I've had the cat on the altar and the sacrifice has been done. The omens suggest that you will be fortunate!
Wow, you're all being very kind, wish I could be so optimistic!
whatever you get, its all good, crack that open aymes 🙂
hmmmm, no winners I'm afraid, as I suspected I've gone up again, a1c is now 7.4 so I'm disappointed :(

However, it was quite a mixed bag of an appointment, despite being so frustrated with the result it was bizarrely probably the best appoinment I've ever had!

Have a new consultant who is lovely. She spent the first ten minutes getting to know me and my diabetes history, may only be a little thing but it does make all the difference. When I was disappointed with the result she told me not to be so hard on myself, she got a good balance between motivating me to improve but also appreciating how much I've improved do far. We spent a lot of time talking about tweaking ratios, a possible move on to levemir etc. It's probably the first consultant appointment when I've felt like an absolute equal with the doctor and that she's really listened. I've certainly never been particularly passive before but there's always been that undertone of 'doctor knows best...'!
And, on to the exciting bit, after a lot of discussion, they're going to consider me for a pump, to address my hypos as well as to give me more flexibility with my running! It's the first year the hospital has had funding for an adult pump programme and apparently they meet regularly to discuss potential candidates. Certainly no guarantees and I'm sure I have a long journey on my hands but it's a good first step. Past consultants have just dismissed the idea but this one was quite clear that she could see clear benefits for me, although I may not wholly satisfy the nice guidelines (depends on interpretation I guess), and that I'm motivated enough and she can see no reason why there should be this bizarre situation where I should have to loose the level of control I have now to then become eligible. So, guess we will see what, if anything, comes of it...

So, all in all a pretty ok appointment, although overshadowed by the a1c unfortunately.
Aymes sorry to hear about your hbA hun, but sounds like you have an amazing consultent getting to know you first is a nice way of breaking in the patient/ doctor relationship.I wish you luck with getting the pump.
Hi aymes, sorry the A1c wasn't what you were hoping for, but excellent that the appointment went so well! It really makes a difference to be listened to and not treated like some faceless body. My GP is good like that, and so are the DSNs I have seen, but the consultants have been poor in that regard.

I think that the champagne should now be preserved for Pump Day! Hope it goes through - the consultant sounds enlightened enough, realising it's not just people with poor control that should get them!🙂
6.3 from me....p.s. can I have some champers 🙂 keep us updated hun, know how nerve wracking it is...I always ring for mine before my clinic tho so I can prepare...dont know if other ppl do that? x
6.3 from me....p.s. can I have some champers 🙂 keep us updated hun, know how nerve wracking it is...I always ring for mine before my clinic tho so I can prepare...dont know if other ppl do that? x

Good going how recent is that hbA Shell?
6.3 from me....p.s. can I have some champers 🙂 keep us updated hun, know how nerve wracking it is...I always ring for mine before my clinic tho so I can prepare...dont know if other ppl do that? x

Thinking there's some cross posting going on, see above......

I have to go in 15mins before my appointment for the blood test then the results are ready by the time I see the doc, so no calling ahead!
As you say Aymes - good news and bad news but it sounds like you got some good care going on now. I'd crack open the champers to celebrate that!
I phone for my results before my appt so I can prepare myself, sorry if I wrote that wrong hehe...x
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