Has anyone noticed a correlation between caffeine intake and higher BG levels

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I noticed that during isolation for positive COVID 19 that my BG levels were some of lowest they been consistently throughout the period. I was not exercising so it was not down to that, i also was not drinking alcohol or caffeine. I returned to work and started to drink coffee again and results went up again. This weekend limited caffeine no alcohol and lower again. Even in the weeks I don't drink alcohol during working I notice BG still slightly higher then weeks with no caffeine and no alcohol. Has anyone noticed anything similar? If so is there any science behind it?
If your having milk with your coffee that push up your sugar levels.
Caffeine is a stimulant which can trigger the liver to release more glucose. I can get away with 1 cup on a morning without any obvious impact as it is what my body is used to but a second cup definitely sends my levels 1-2 mmols higher and I have cream in my coffee so milk isn't the cause.
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