Has anyone had a steroid injection?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I had a steroid injection in my knee (for Osteo-Arthritis yesterday. Today my BGs have consistently been over 20 all day despite multiple corrections. Nice straight line, but who wants one at that level??? I had a similar injection for Carpal Tunnel but it was around 19 years ago and I don't recall BGs being consistently that high.

Just wondering if anyone else has had a similar injection and if so how long did bloods stay high?
My BGs went bonkers when I have had a steroid injection, needing big increases in both basal and bolus deliveries. It is a while since I had one and I can’t remember how long it lasted, but I do remember being surprised but the big increase in doses needed and the length of time I needed them. I know that it was at least a week. It also depended on how big an injection I had, whether it was hands or bigger joints.

I suspect it is going to be a case of monitoring and you will need what you need.
I hope that the injection works @Pattidevans
Ugh. So far I hadn't thought of raising basal. So thank you for that Sue and I will increase the corrections I have been using.
Glad to have helped.
You need what you need
I’ve had a few in my shoulders but don’t remember any big changes, but obviously I’m a weird diabetic. 😉
Hope it settles down for you soon.
When I had my knee injection , I think the raised bloods lasted at least a week.
Oh. I'm raising basal 30 per cent, might need more and shoving corrections in. Wishing I had postponed it until after Christmas as I have feasts planned for entertaining. I want to weep. Last year I entertained full of a horrid cold. I wasn't in unbearable pain and could have postponed it. Might get on touch with DSN for suggestions.
Put on 50%+ temp basal overnight which seems to have worked. This morning down to 8.3 after a sleepless night.

Only downside is that my Omnipod pod might run out of insulin as I hadn't anticipated this. If I have to change it early then I will have to ring Omnipod who will question me for anything up to 45 minutes as to why I changed it early before they will replace it. However, I am very relieved! Thanks for the advice both.
Another reason to not have an Omnipod - if a pump consumables order line cross examined me as to why I'd run out of whatever - I'd most likely lose my rag and tell them I'd done it deliberately just to annoy them since it throws them into such disarray, whereas I'm human meself and therefore already know very well that s**t happens sometimes!

Ruddy Libre sensor decided to fall off my arm last night when I got undressed, having stopped working in the afternoon, worked OK all morning, obviously in hindsight must have become loose, but as I hardly ever have a spare in the house when I'm halfway through the 2nd one until I pick up my new scrip (which is now ready, but OH isn't very well at the mo so just haven't been able to get there yet)
Had 6 steroid injection altogether, last one was thumb joint.

Drug can play havoc with bg levels, so usually put on tbr to deal with it. Interesting what you said about omnipod customer service @Pattidevans , not reported a pod for long time now but once over reporting one would take all of 10mins, wonder if they are more strict now as more & more patients use pump now.
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