Has anyone got libre 3

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I spoke to the diabetes nurses today and asked if I could possibly try libre 3 with a view to switching from libre 2. There are several reasons it would be something I would like to try and I explained these when asked why i felt it would benefit. She said it is something they will look at, but that the libre 3 is not available in the uk yet. I am sure I read that it is but only through the nhs supply chain network. She said no it is not. She also said that if I qualified for the pump due to hypo unawareness I would get a libre 3 or if I have bad control on the pump, but otherwise I would not likely get one.
I was left a bit deflated. I did not expect them to say yes here it is, but I did think there might be more hope of getting a libre 3 than she said.
Does anyine know when the libre 3 will be available?
Also, would the tie up between ypsomed and libre 3 to make closed loop possible that is hopefully happening sometime this year be a reason to qualify as I have the ypsomed pump?
I am very glad I have the libre 2 and appreciate it a lot after so many years stabbing fingers etc without having a direction arrow or all the other benefits of flash monitor, and if that is it and I can not get the libre 3, fair enough but just interested if anyone has one or knows if it is not available here as it says on libre site it is...
My clinic told me they couldn’t get it @curlygirl I didn’t ask why because they then went on to offer me a Dexcom instead. So it is possible it’s not freely available and that your clinic is correct.
The nurse said a dexcom one was something they could issue but I think staying with libre 2 is better. I do not know why abbott are saying the libre 3 is available if it is not. Also sounded like the crieria for getting it are even stricter than a pump. Bit disappointed because when I was choosing the pump the nurse that I spoke to said libre 3 would be an option to loop...
I agree @Inka and @Bruce Stephens I said I would prefer to have the libre 2 if the dexcom one was the alternative. I do not think the dexcom is bad in any way, but I am already familiar with the libre 2 and like it. The libre 3 would be something I would like to get. If you look on libre site it sounds available in the uk, but when asked was told it is not. Hopefully in next few months the libre 3 will be available, but from what the dsn said I am not sure I would be eligible for one anyway according to the 2 qualifying things she listed...
The libre 3 would be something I would like to get.
Is there some particular reason? I'd like to get one just because they're smaller (I think the packaging is a bit smaller, too), but functionally Libre 2 seems about the same. With third party software you can get readings every minute without scanning. (I say every minute, but actually there are gaps where it's not sending anything. I presume those would coincide with the "wait 10 minutes" messages, and I presume (but don't know) that Libre 3 is likely to have the same sorts of gaps.)

It seems pretty clear that Libre 3 is available, but perhaps (like other CGMs and pumps) it can differ from place to place (perhaps there's a need for a specific deal with Abbott).
The main reason is that the ypsopump, which i have, is approved for loop with libre 3. It is hopefully going to start here sometime in a few months. I do not know for sure if I would like to take that step yet, but I would like to know if I could get the option of a libre 3 to do it if I decided to.
The main reason is that the ypsopump, which i have, is approved for loop with libre 3. It is hopefully going to start here sometime in a few months. I do not know for sure if I would like to take that step yet, but I would like to know if I could get the option of a libre 3 to do it if I decided to.
I get the impression that the two things might not be as similar as they might appear. So while you might (in the future) be able to get a hybrid closed-loop setup using Libre 3, it might still be the case that right now they don't want to let you have a Libre 3. (Which I agree is daft. As I understand it Libre 3 has been out in other countries as a straight Libre 2 upgrade which are also starting to use it in closed loop systems. I've no idea why things are different in this respect in the UK.)
With third party software you can get readings every minute without scanning.
you're talking about libre2? What's the software(s) called please? because that sounds awesome. (sorry for kramering into the thread 🙂
What's the software(s) called please?
Juggluco (for Android). There's Shuggah for iPhones (which I haven't used).

Juggluco's in the regular Google Play store (so is easy to install). There's also a version for (recent) Wear OS watches. (Don't expect the watch version to work independently of a phone. It can do, but the way the author describes it suggests it's not very reliable.)
Juggluco (for Android). There's Shuggah for iPhones (which I haven't used).

Juggluco's in the regular Google Play store (so is easy to install). There's also a version for (recent) Wear OS watches. (Don't expect the watch version to work independently of a phone. It can do, but the way the author describes it suggests it's not very reliable.)
thank you. Maybe I should make a thread for alternative software unless theres one there already
Libre 3 isn’t on the same system as L2 unfortunately @curlygirl - it’s in the same system as Medtronic G4 and Dexcom G6 or G7. Which are harder to access on the NHS currently.

Am I right in thinking @Paulbreen may have Libre 3 in Germany, or am I thinking of someone else?
@everydayupsanddowns Yes, the Libre 3 appears to be more like pump process to get, not on prescription like libre 2. I do appreciate having the libre 2, after only having blood tests for many years, the difference in what it can show and also in the amount of blood tests needed now - the libre 2 is great. The Libre 3 is available in Germany. The nurse said it is going to be available here soon. She just thought the guidelines for getting one would be so strict that it wouldn't be a common thing for people to have. I hope in time that it might be possible but for now i am grateful to have the libre 2 and will keep eye on when it is available in uk.
Hi @Inka mind if I ask why you switched to G7? Or, why it was offered to you?


It’s my first Dexcom so I just switched from Libre 2. I’m not exactly sure why it was offered to me, but when it was I said Yes very quickly. I didn’t ask much about why because I didn’t want the consultant to change their mind! I was offered a choice of G6 or G7 and went for the G7 because of the size. I was also offered a chance to loop with my pump but turned that down. I’m perimenopausal and have had unusually annoying sugars so maybe that was part of the reason - trying to keep my normal good control but struggling due to hormone issues.
I tried Libre 3 with a view to swapping from libre 2. All I can say is wow what a difference, so much more accurate and no more false hypos. Its so small you really do forget its stuck on your arm and no more shoving my phone under my arm when I'm out and about.
I think I only finger pricked twice using the 3 where as I'm usually finger pricking 2 or 3 times a day with libre 2.

I'm sure the 2 will be phased out slowly in favour of the 3. I did inform my nurse I would like to swap but not had a reply yet. Apparently they are only supplied direct from Abbott at the moment. I'll be chasing them up on Monday.
I tried Libre 3 with a view to swapping from libre 2. All I can say is wow what a difference, so much more accurate and no more false hypos. Its so small you really do forget its stuck on your arm and no more shoving my phone under my arm when I'm out and about.
I think I only finger pricked twice using the 3 where as I'm usually finger pricking 2 or 3 times a day with libre 2.

I'm sure the 2 will be phased out slowly in favour of the 3. I did inform my nurse I would like to swap but not had a reply yet. Apparently they are only supplied direct from Abbott at the moment. I'll be chasing them up on Monday.
Sounds great. Where did you get the L3 from to try out?
My diabetes nurse sent it to me to try. To be honest I've not had much luck with the libre 2 first one was great but had around 50% reliability with the last 8 sensors, really was getting fed up with them some of the readings have been crazy out, one sensor constantly saying I was 2.9 I really don't trust the 2 anymore. My A1C is 5.4% and I usually stay 99-100% (7 day) range so I am pretty pedantic about things, but pretty pleased at the same time
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