Has anyone ever used their toes as a test site?

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was thinking of using an alternative test site im sick of my fingers hurting my arm and my thighs so thought about going lower down, maybe my toes it cant be that diffirent from testing the sides of your fingers i guess i would just be testing the side of my toes instead.What do people think about it ? and can you see any problems occuring if i chose to?

I wouldn't do it. Deliberatly breaking the skin in that area is not a good idea for me, I know the chances of infection are low and I've never had a problem with fingers but still wouldn't risk it.

I onlt use 6 fingers to test and never have a problem with soreness and test at least 4 times a day,
I agree with Nikki - you have to take care of your feet and deliberately injuring them is probably not advisable...
No, I've never tried there. Mind you, I only test once or twice a day now unless I think there's a problem.
DOH!! of course silly me i know fine well we have to look after our feet and i want to tinker with my toes bad idea stephanie, where else can i go then that is not bruised and sore already?? sorry but fingers at the minute are shocking i need to give them a break.
Are you possibly using the lancet device on too high a depth level? I only need mine on a low level to get enough blood.
Are you possibly using the lancet device on too high a depth level? I only need mine on a low level to get enough blood.

i use 4 the highest because 3 just dont get enough blood out for me to be able to test.
I don't know about adults but we were told it was ok to measure from my son's toes, if the fingers got really bad. Other places (which you probably have tried already) are the other soft parts of your fingers, especially the fleshy part by your thumb.
I'm sure it would be ok if you took good care of the areas where the skin was broken and made sure you only used the lowest needle level needed.
I wouldn't do it if you've had any problems with your feet, though.

Hope your fingers get better soon 🙂
My new blood kit says its ok to test in the fleshy bit below your thumb. and the bit oppsite. will try to post a pic of the diagram I got in the instructions as I dunno if i make any sense
After a while I find my fingers don't hurt, not that it hurts that much anyway and I use my lancet on 5... when I have been in hospital I know the nurses have used my earlobes, and I never felt a thing.
I have to have mine on the highest as i can rarely get blood out. my fingers get really sire esp as I only have one hand to test on so i use my arms too
If you wash you hands in warm water before testing it might help the blood flow a little more easily and you may get away with a lower lancet testing.

I've done so much testing in the last week that my hands are cracking up literally.
Thanks but I aint going to prick fingers for at least 5 days.
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