Has anyone ever suffered............

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
from REALLY hot lower legs?

Since I arrived hom from London at the weekend, I have had really hot and swolllen lower legs and ankles. I know I was on the train from around 11 hours and sat in the pub for another 5, but even though I already take water pills, my legs are solid and so hot - I even have to sleep with my legs uncovered.

I don't think it is anything to worry about - but have any of you have anything similar?

from REALLY hot lower legs?

Since I arrived hom from London at the weekend, I have had really hot and swolllen lower legs and ankles. I know I was on the train from around 11 hours and sat in the pub for another 5, but even though I already take water pills, my legs are solid and so hot - I even have to sleep with my legs uncovered.

I don't think it is anything to worry about - but have any of you have anything similar?


Hi Hazel if you had not of already mentioned it i would of said it would of been down to the mega trip you did on Saturday, id be surprised if you did not suffer one way or another cause of it,ive never suffered with what you mention but i always sleep with no duvet on lol
Hi Hazel if it continues best getting it checked out at the doctors. It is probably just due to the long journey at the weekend
I think it is probably worth getting checked out Hazel, might just be due to all the sitting around. Were you able to get up and move around a bit on the train? I'm just thinking that your day was similar to a long-haul plane journey. Hope you have recovered by tomorrow. 🙂
I'm actually with Northe' here I would want to go check it out asap.

Hope it's nothing though.

Rossi 🙂
Hope you feel better soon, I agree with getting it checked out.

If I have had a bad day my ankles do swell a bit, but I try to put my feet up for a while and when I go to bed I have a cradle that keeps the blankets and sheets up. I'm usully OK after I've used the bathroom in the middle of the night.
Hope you feel better soon Hazel, I would go and get it checked out with your gp just to be sure (((hugs))) xx
It could be water retension from sitting so long. Take a diuretic (milk is good) and put your feet up for a while. Also mention it to your doctor/DSN next time you see them. I hope you're feeling better today.

If you make another journey like that in future, try and get up to walk about for a bit every hour. While sitting, there are some exercises you can do, one is to sit straight with your feet flat in front of you. Now keep your heels on the floor and raise your toes as high as you can. Lower them and then keep your toes on the floor while raising your heels as high as you can. Next lift the inside edge of your feet and lastly the outside edge, all the time keeping the opposite edge on the floor. Do the old pelvic floor exercises at the same time and that should keep your circulation going and lessen any swelling.
Thanks everyone for your concern

I am pleased to say, my legs are much improved - looks like the long journey on Saturday was to blame. Monday and Tuesday (sorry about this) I pee'd for Britain.

But I will take the advice and talk to the DSN at my next appointment.

Something for everyone to remember when travelling long haul journies, try and walk around and where possible raise your feet.

Thanks everyone
Excellent news Haze so gald to hear that you are legs are feeling better🙂
Hi. The journey is probably part of the problem. I have to often sleep with my feet out of the duvet because they are burning, sometimes I go and stand on the cold tiles in the bathroom! I have found that alcohol is out it makes it so much worse.
Novarapid and Lantus, Pregabalin and Tramadol
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