Has anyone ever had this happen?…

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

Over the last few days, I have given the same amount of bolus insulin for meals as usual by using my ratio (currently set at 1:15).

However, I have started to notice that my levels spike and come down as normal within about 2 hours but then start to creep back up again to around the same place they were at the 1 hour mark (ie at its highest point!)

I’ve had this issue in the past and when I changed my ratio down it seemed to solve it so wondering if I need to do the same again? I find 1:10 is a bit too much (accidentally did the maths wrong once and learnt this the hard way!) so maybe somewhere between 10 and 15 is more realistic?

Thank you!
Are you sure your basal dose is right @sg295 ? If it is, then you could try a change of ratio but don’t jump from 1:15 to 1:10. That’s too big a jump. Go for 1:12 or even 1:13.
Are you sure your basal dose is right @sg295 ? If it is, then you could try a change of ratio but don’t jump from 1:15 to 1:10. That’s too big a jump. Go for 1:12 or even 1:13.
Hi @Inka

Thanks for your message!

I’m pretty sure my basal is good as I am consistently waking up with good levels, able to skip meals at times without going low etc (also doesn’t help that I can’t do half units on my pen so I feel like 1 extra unit might be too much even if my current amount isn’t quite enough!)

Ok thank you, I thought 1:10 might be too much so yes 1:12 or 13 seems better thank you!
Hi. Don't forget meal content can greatly affect absorption time. A high fat meal can take a good hour or two to be digested and the carb absorption will be slow.
Hi. Don't forget meal content can greatly affect absorption time. A high fat meal can take a good hour or two to be digested and the carb absorption will be slow.

Thank you for that!

It seems to happen regardless of what I eat but that’s a good point thanks 🙂
also doesn’t help that I can’t do half units on my pen so I feel like 1 extra unit might be too much even if my current amount isn’t quite enough!
Can you ask for a replacement half unit pen?
I know they are not available for all insulins but you can get them for the more common NovoNordisk insulins such as NovoRapid and Fiasp.
I agree, try and get a half unit pen. Also I find it depends what my BGs are before I eat, if they’re high to start I will adjust my ratio accordingly, or add half/ one unit, I’m not keen on corrections later so this works better for me. If they’re low, especially for my evening meal, I’ll lower my ratio or minus half/ one unit. It’s all about experimenting. It’s a pain in the butt but needs must. Good luck.

Both the insulin pens I use (lantus and novorapid) both only do whole units currently so unfortunately don’t have the option of half units for either which can be a real pain sometimes!

I have an appointment with the consultant in just under 2 weeks (managed to get it brought forward from March as things are pretty tricky at the moment) so this may well be a discussion point then.

Thanks 🙂
@sg295 Just ask for a half unit pen for the Novorapid. As @helli says, there’s one available. I’m not sure about the Lantus. I thought there used to be a half unit pen but can’t remember for sure. Edited to add - it’s the JuniorStar or similar name.

All you need are the appropriate pen(s) and then you can do half units.
@sg295 Just ask for a half unit pen for the Novorapid. As @helli says, there’s one available. I’m not sure about the Lantus. I thought there used to be a half unit pen but can’t remember for sure.

All you need are the appropriate pen(s) and then you can do half units.
You can use the junior star pen for half units of lantus
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