Has anyone ever done this Diet ?


Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello all,
I am still trying to get my head round this :-( and getting so confused.
I had a Dr meds review and a chat about my diabetes.
My HbA1c was again 45
My other bloods were ok though one kidney test showed up something (Fat) but she was not to bothered about it as I have had it in the past. So we went through all my meds and she oked them all. But as I have tummy problems she wanted to change my metformin to a slow release one still 2 tablets a day but taken at the same time.

She then went on about a new diet in the area. "Oviva" A shake and soup meal replacement. its free and for 12 weeks you have your own adviser and they help bring back solids, I think its about a year in all.
Any thoughts please?
We have Christmas coming up, My husband does all the cooking so he would be on "Normal" food.
(I would have to watch him eat proper food while I had "Baby food !!!" type stuff and if we went out / had family over again I could not join them.
Thinking as I wright this maybe its not the right thing for me. If it was a replacement for 2 meals ie breakfast and Lunch I could cope with it more I feel.
I am also on Warfarin amongst other meds. Thanks in advance . Heroxy
Not sure the link I gave you will take you directly to the attached, so here it is:-


  • NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme Oviva GP FAQs_Humber Coast and Vale.pdf
    145.3 KB · Views: 8
Hello all,
I am still trying to get my head round this :-( and getting so confused.
I had a Dr meds review and a chat about my diabetes.
My HbA1c was again 45
My other bloods were ok though one kidney test showed up something (Fat) but she was not to bothered about it as I have had it in the past. So we went through all my meds and she oked them all. But as I have tummy problems she wanted to change my metformin to a slow release one still 2 tablets a day but taken at the same time.

She then went on about a new diet in the area. "Oviva" A shake and soup meal replacement. its free and for 12 weeks you have your own adviser and they help bring back solids, I think its about a year in all.
Any thoughts please?
We have Christmas coming up, My husband does all the cooking so he would be on "Normal" food.
(I would have to watch him eat proper food while I had "Baby food !!!" type stuff and if we went out / had family over again I could not join them.
Thinking as I wright this maybe its not the right thing for me. If it was a replacement for 2 meals ie breakfast and Lunch I could cope with it more I feel.
I am also on Warfarin amongst other meds. Thanks in advance . Heroxy
Unless you have masses of weight to lose then a more standard approach, either low calorie or low carbohydrate should be sufficient to bring your blood glucose down, it is not particularly high so tightening up on your carb intake might be a better option. As you husband does all the cooking you could both look at this link for some meal plans, low carb with real food. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
I followed the principals of this (not the meal plans per se) and reduced blood glucose from 50mmol/mol to 42 in 3 months no medication.
It seems a bit severe - you are so close to normal.
There’s no denying people do have success with these food replacement diets but the two people I actually know that did it put all the weight back on, plus more, when they started eating normal food again and the support had gone.

I was offered the soup and shake thing back in January this year when I was first diagnosed but I knew straight away it wouldn’t be for me - I love food way too much!!

Whatever you do has to be sustainable for the long term or you will get fed up and revert to old eating habits. A few tweaks to your current diet should be enough to get you back in the normal range.
My daughter started the soup & shakes diet this Monday just gone and although it's a bit early she has said that it fills her up and she doesn't crave anything else afterwards.

It was recommended by her doctor as she has a stomach hernia and it cannot be operated on before she loses a couple of stones in weight.
Unless you have masses of weight to lose then a more standard approach, either low calorie or low carbohydrate should be sufficient to bring your blood glucose down, it is not particularly high so tightening up on your carb intake might be a better option. As you husband does all the cooking you could both look at this link for some meal plans, low carb with real food. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
I followed the principals of this (not the meal plans per se) and reduced blood glucose from 50mmol/mol to 42 in 3 months no medication.

Thank you, I will look at the low carbs link you put here
I think this might be the answer for me. Just so much to get my head round, specially with my INR and what I can and cant eat.
There’s no denying people do have success with these food replacement diets but the two people I actually know that did it put all the weight back on, plus more, when they started eating normal food again and the support had gone.

I was offered the soup and shake thing back in January this year when I was first diagnosed but I knew straight away it wouldn’t be for me - I love food way too much!!

Whatever you do has to be sustainable for the long term or you will get fed up and revert to old eating habits. A few tweaks to your current diet should be enough to get you back in the normal range.

Hi Deb_1 , Yes I have heard that people do have success with food replacement diets , but like you that after they put it all back on and more.
Yes a few more tweaks and I think it will help more. I have already cut down on how much I eat and my carbs as well.
I am doing low carb and it has helped both in blood sugars and weight.
To be honest the choice is yours.
My own reasons for not doing soup and shake diet.
1. Okay when on it but you have to go vack to food so whatever i do needs to be longterm not a quick fix.
2. id be crying whilst only having a shake watching someone eat Xmas dinner .
These usually are made up of additives and not fresh food.
4. I just did not want too.

They make you feel full? Or do you feel sick so you are off your food on them.
Saves a bit of money
lets folk know you are trying .

its your choice. Good luck
I am doing low carb and it has helped both in blood sugars and weight.
To be honest the choice is yours.
My own reasons for not doing soup and shake diet.
1. Okay when on it but you have to go vack to food so whatever i do needs to be longterm not a quick fix.
2. id be crying whilst only having a shake watching someone eat Xmas dinner .
These usually are made up of additives and not fresh food.
4. I just did not want too.

They make you feel full? Or do you feel sick so you are off your food on them.
Saves a bit of money
lets folk know you are trying .

its your choice. Good luck
Thank you
For the reasons you have put down and others I will not do the shakes/soup only for 3 months It would not fit in with my life style and I don't fancy putting fillers in my body.
Good luck with your efforts @Heroxy - there’s no one size fits all approach that works for everyone, but there are options and alternatives.

The important thing is that you find an option (or a combination of options and strategies) that work for you, and that you can make work in the long run.

Between 800cal short term / intensive start programmes, low carb menu, intermittent fasting / 5:2, and good old fashioned calorie controlled ways of eating there will be an approach, or sequence / combination of approaches that will work for you, and that you can tailor to give you the results you are looking for long-term.
Hi All,

I did the 'Oviva' way - worked for me - and 2 & a half years later, i'm still me, no weight regain, still in Remission today...

After one year yes the support stops dead - but...remember people it's a life long change we're making not a quick fix...

whichever method is chosen, it's important to understand 'for life' not just a few months and I'm fixed..

Good luck whichever method is chosen, but for me Oviva gave me 12 week 'reset' then hungry to learn all about food all over again, and that I am very thankful for!