Has anyone encountered paranoia/mental health issues?

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hello, going through a rough time at the moment with my partner hes been diagnosed as type 1 for over a year and I wanted to know if it's down to his condition.
Welcome @Kfl 🙂 Sorry to hear your partner is going through a rough time. Certainly, having a long-term health condition like diabetes can cause mental health problems like depression.

Also, fluctuating blood sugars can make you feel out of sorts. Low blood sugar can also make people act out of character.
Hi and welcome from me too.

Do you know how well he is managing his diabetes? As @Inka says, it can cause us to be irrational and some people even get aggressive when their levels go low and high levels can cause anxiety and irritability and swinging between the two is even worse.... So if he is not managing his Blood Glucose levels very well then that can influence his mental state and the strain of managing it day by day, meal by meal can also overwhelm people and cause depression.
Talking about it and getting help is important.... but not always easy. One of the benefits of being part of this forum is that we can share how we feel with other people who understand in a sort of anonymous capacity, so we feel more normal. We also share tips and tricks for managing our diabetes more effectively which helps to level out the highs and lows, which helps us be more stable emotionally. If he doesn't want to talk to yourself or his GP or DSN about it then coming here onto the forum might be a first step to opening up and figuring out a way forward.
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