Has anyone else decided that the sensor is pointless.


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've used the sensor on both my arms, on the side and the back and i've noticed since my 2nd one onwards that it doesn't ever seem to be accurate. Well since Sunday i've had two high readings, the highest i've had was moments ago today. Sunday my sensor stated it was 13/14 while the finger prick reading was 5.5. I knew something was off as i was starting to experience an early hypo warning. Today it was the same, however the reading was 17.3 and my finger prick readings was 7.1. I wasn't experiencing a hypo, but i could feel my heartbeat race a little quicker than normal. I did check twice to see if the prick reading was wrong and the second reading was still in the lower 7. After that it went down to the 5 range before going back up again. The sensor readings started to go down and the lowest it went to before my levels started to go up was 11.9.

I had a date with the diabetic nurse on monday and told her i've noticed a few moments, but never was able to have any proof as such until just recently. She wasn't happy to hear about it and did state that if your levels are very low and the sensor is saying it's very high, it can be dangerous if you have no sugar to munch on.

Has anyone else has these issues with false readings that are miles apart from one another.
Has anyone else has these issues with false readings that are miles apart from one another.
With occasional sensors, yes. (Though they've always read too low for me rather than too high.) Some people have reported that different brands work for them but others just don't seem to, so if you haven't already it might be worth trying the other one. (I think it's basically a choice of Abbott or Dexcom at present.)

I agree it sounds like whatever you're using isn't working usefully.
I have discrepancies between the finger prick and the sensor but nothing like this. If I take into account the 10-15% inaccuracy of each I can see how it happens but I still don't know which one is nearest. I've been getting 2.8 on the sensor and 5+ on the strips which doesn't really help as one says I'm fine and the other says I'm about to go unconscious.