Has anyone been prescribed the new drug Prucalopride to treat gastroparesis and constipation?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I am about to be prescribed the new drug Prucalopride to treat my gastroparesis and constipation. Wondering if anyone else has been and did it work for you?
Hi Michael I haven't tried it but have just found this article about it although some of the language is quite technical.

You might also want to google for Prucalopride BNF NICE - that will give you more information about the medication with regard to possible side effects so that you are prepared - obviously as with all medications some people will get side effects and some won't so please don't assume that you will. Good luck with it please let us know how you get on with it.
Prucalopride is mainly used in constipation, which has failed to respond to routine medication. I believe it was first used in dogs. That’s irrelevant to the topic under the gastroparesis mention.

A trial in its use for idiopathic gastroparesis showed improvement in gastric emptying. Notice anything? That word idiopathic means no cause has been found. Diabetic gastroparesis falls outside that definition, because it is a well known complication, as Amanda knows.

So nobody knows whether it will work in diabetes caused gastroparesis, no trials have been published. If you can tolerate the headaches (temporary) and diarrhoea, best of luck trying it, and do let us know how you get on. It’s important pioneering research, because no one else has done it.

Following a period of proectil;e vomitting, weight loss followed by a diagnosis of 'impacted bowel;'; I was prescribed Prucalopride.

My consultant was brilliant thus I made the mistake of believing everything.

Following a totally unexpected Angioplasty, I read a research paper. To my horror I saw the word; 'Caution' followed by; 'Prucalopride'.

The list of potential problems was endless and I endured most without knowledge of this drug's potentially negative impact on my overall health and happiness.

I voluntarily stopped taking the drug three weeks past and notified my Gastroenterologist and GP accordingly. Since that time, I battled with an extreme and unexpected upsurge in glucose readings but persevered. In the last two days, my glucose level began to abate and I literally feel much more positive.

In conclusion, I would advise that you ensure that regular reviews occur. If it does not improve you condition and/or you begin to experience a decline in your overall health; speak to your diabetic specialist, Gastroenterologist and, consider stopping the drug.

Hope this helps?

Before I 'sign off...' can I suggest that you read articles both 'for' and 'against' the use of Pucalopride so that you have the chance to make an informed decision.

Please see below:

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