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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All,
Just wanted to share my happiness with you all. Been to see my dietician today and she's very pleased with my levels and ive put a stone on. Wahooooooooooo!!!

Im so happy right now. Been so down past 2 months since diagnosis but feel im finally gettin somewhere.

Thanks to everyone for all ur advice so far.
Bet your injections are a bit more comfortable if you're getting above being underweight? Hope work etc is going well, too.
Bet your injections are a bit more comfortable if you're getting above being underweight? Hope work etc is going well, too.
Yes they have thanks. Can now inject in my thigh, there wasnt enough meat on em before!! Back to work wednesday! Fingers crossed it all goes ok.
Yes they have thanks. Can now inject in my thigh, there wasnt enough meat on em before!! Back to work wednesday! Fingers crossed it all goes ok.

Great news janine! I know just how you feel. I was down to 8st 4* at diagnosis, went back up again once I started eating to 9st 4, then dropped again because of side-effects from medication to 8st 9. Now finally back up to something reasonable at 9st 9 :) Still can't inject in my thigh though, or at least not without pain, bruises and lumps!

*apologies to those of you who use metric - I've never got to grips with that!:)
Great news my darling. Haven't you done well. Way back before diagnosis, I was 6stone 4llbs, a very long time ago. I am now 9stone11lbs, need to lose a few pounds!!!! Take care, look after youself.:)
Hi Janine!

Well done - i know how hard it can be it has taken Alex since diagnosis 11 weeks ago to put a bit of weight on - and he is still quite skinny! Keep it up! Bev x
Great news it is always nice to hear of successes, thank you for sharing yours with us. I'm pleased you are happy with the results you are getting, long may good results continue...
Hi Janine,

Great news :D Nice to see that you are improving :) I hope that the good results keep on coming. Talking of weight, I could probably do with shedding a few pounds. My BMI is about 27. Well I suppose that at five foot six/seven and weighing in at eleven stone 7 pounds having my BMI at a little overwieght is inevitable. Oh well, time to get on with life.

Tom H
Well done Janine. Keep up the good work :D
i dropped down to just 7st when i got diagnosed 9 years ago. i now stay around my healthy weight of 15st and i love it.
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