Happy Valentines Day

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
To everyone who offers support and guidence when needed - not at the 3 or 6 month checkups - but just when someone needs it most

Perhaps not in love with each of you - but certainly thankful you are there.

I will let you know tomoro what consultant says, T2 and meds not working anymore, BG as high as 25.

Have a greet weekend ;)everyone

Hi Hazel,

I hope your consultant has lots of helpful and constructive advice, and that this is the day when things start getting better for you!:)

My novopen's silver,
My lantus pen's blue
They both help in sending
Best wishes to you!
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Hazel, thanks for lovely thoughts. I too appreciate the way everyone is here all the time to offer support and advice, moral support, words of wisdom and just being here when needed.

Good luck with diabetes meds and check ups. The least that will happen is you will have different meds, but if you need insulin, there are plenty here who will offer appropriate advice.
Thanks Northener and Caroline for your kind wishes, I am very anxious about the consultant on Monday. All I know is I want something done - as I have been feeling pretty awful now for weeks, so whatever it takes I am up for it.

Kind regards,
Good luck for Monday's appointment with your consultant, Hazel, and let us know how you get on. Hoping you feel less wretched soon and sending hugs
Thanks for the message Hazel.
The more I read on here the luckier I think I am.

All the best for Monday and let us know the verdict whatever it may be.

A scottish virtual hug for you
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