Happy St George's Day

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Today is St George's Day. He is the patron saint of England so raise a glass to him!

It is also the birth and death dates of Shakespeare probably one of out greatest playwrights.
Happy St George's Day. It is my friend's birthday today and they have gone to Stratford upon Avon, the home of Shakespeare.
Shame the Far Right have hijacked the day for a demo in London. The Welsh, Irish & Scots just get on with celebrating their own Saints' Days, which is how it should be.
Happy Day of the English! I don't have any "belief" in saints/religion and I am really not sure why St George should be associated with us as a nation anyway, but happy to feel patriotic about being English today.
Happy Day of the English! I don't have any "belief" in saints/religion and I am really not sure why St George should be associated with us as a nation anyway, but happy to feel patriotic about being English today.
Good on you, Barbara, especially as a recent survey claimed that the English are the least patriotic of the 4 nations of the UK. Being Welsh I find that strange, if the survey is right.
St Edmund was the previous patron saint, and there have been several attempts recently to reinstate him.

I think the English are perhaps encouraged to be inclusive and consider ourselves British, whereas the other nations feel it is important to celebrate their individual national identities. I think part of this may be because England has the sort of "parental" position and needs to be more neutral to maintain the union..... perhaps we realise we are not so "great" without the others 🙄 , whereas the other nations are more free to express their individual heritage and perhaps that heritage has been less watered down by immigration. It annoys me a bit that patriotism is tied so closely to sporting events and much less about our own heritage..... but then part of that is perhaps accepting the traditions of the past and Saint George is part of that so perhaps I am being unpatriotic by not wanting to follow that tradition. Maybe I should just stand in an orderly queue for the bar or toilets at a cricket match in the rain to celebrate my English heritage whilst maintaining a stiff upper lip and discussing the weather and that it could be worse or may in fact improve later in the day.
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