Happy new veo !

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Went to see Dsn yesterday & she had a present for me. A new medtronic pump because my pump had to go in retirement. Love my pump ! 😎
Welcome to the world your new pump :D
It was, i thought it was going to be the normal stuff & not a late xmas present. Big smile from me !
Thanks Steff. I might even give it a name. 1st one didnt but will have to think of one.
Have got a name for it ! "X1" Can you imagine Chuck Yeager in 1947 breaking the sound barrier in it ! 662mile an hour 😎 I like speed but even these days it is pretty good. Love my pump ! 😉
Have got a name for it ! "X1" Can you imagine Chuck Yeager in 1947 breaking the sound barrier in it ! 662mile an hour 😎 I like speed but even these days it is pretty good. Love my pump ! 😉

I once met Charlie Duke, Apollo 16 astronaut - he was trained as a test pilot originally by Chuck Yeager! Chuck's motto was 'Aim High!' - but probably not appropriate for an X1 pump 🙂
I got it fri & realy like it already. Like the bit about "aming high" northy ! Will do my best ! 🙂 Them guys must have had some guts 😉
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