happy man

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just had my latest HbA1c results, now 7.7, down from 10.7 at diagnosis in July. Seems I'm doing quite well as all my levels that matter, cholesterol, lipids etc are now all lower than what they were. I'm quite happy at that as luckily i haven't had to change my life style or diet too much, must be the tablets! Hope I can finally get to an acceptable level, especially with all the problems that Christmas can sometimes throw up regarding diet, but I'll get there.
Regards Art
just wanted to say well done what a result:D
Excellent news Art, well done - keep up the good work, it's obviously working for you! Now that you've made such excellent progress, why not try and look for the areas that might be causing you the most trouble - it could be that a few further slight changes are all it takes to get you into the 5% club!

Really pleased for you!🙂
well done Art from a fellow T2 that is a good reduction...what meds you on now has the docs reduced the Metaformin??
Well done Art, that's good going!

Well done you - keep up the good work

Thanks for the encouragement, the practice nurse has increased my dosage of matamorfin from 3 to 4 tablets a day, I can only suppose that she thinks that by doing so it will give me a boost to get down to a reasonable level quicker.
Wicked numerals there Art, hope the extra pill to pop helps you get it down further, happy days:D
Well done Art, great result 🙂
Thats a great improvement so well done. If you haven't changed much about your lifestyle then maybe a few small changes will get you even lower. Althought metformin alone will not usually produce a 3% drop so I'm sure what you ahve done has helped.
Just had my latest HbA1c results, now 7.7, down from 10.7 at diagnosis in July. Seems I'm doing quite well as all my levels that matter, cholesterol, lipids etc are now all lower than what they were. I'm quite happy at that as luckily i haven't had to change my life style or diet too much, must be the tablets! Hope I can finally get to an acceptable level, especially with all the problems that Christmas can sometimes throw up regarding diet, but I'll get there.
Regards Art
Well done Art - That's a great start!

I'm a Type 2 also, the tablets did very little for for me. However, I made a massive improvement by adjusting my diet. Mainly by cutting back in a big way on starchy carbohydrate - i.e. cereals, bread, potatoes mainly - but also pasta and rice etc. That usuallly leads to a big and quick improvement in blood glucose levels.

Best wishes - John
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