happy birthday vince13

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Thank you very much Stef ! I'm off with the family for a Thai meal to celebrate - it's probably not allowed but today I don't care.......................................

My fasting blood sugar level this morning - would you believe 6.2 (same as my age today - spooky eh !)
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lol spooky indeed

enjoy the meal anyways like you say break the rules its your birthday x
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Happy Birthday Faith.
Enjoy your meal; I'm drooling at the thought of it.

From Bev and Alex xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dear vince13,

Happy birthday, I break the rules when its mine. BTW is your blood sugar 62? My meter wont record above about 30.

Regards Dodger
sorry, I've altered my post to show the proper reading (6.2) - at 62 I'd be dead wouldn't I ? !! F.

Many thanks to all who wished me a happy birthday yesterday.

We took my 4 yr old grand-daughter for her first Thai meal at lunchtime, which she enjoyed greatly - and so did we. I had a Thai beer (first alcoholic drink since Christmas) and a really good meal (and a banana split shared with said grandchild) and 2 hours later was 8.3 (from 6.2 fasting a.m.) which I didn't rate too badly. This morning back to 5.3 so I feel really virtuous.

So off I go now towards my 63rd - hopefully.......older but not much wiser.
hi vince sounds like you had great day
Delighted for you Faith.
Still drooling on the keyboard thinking about your Thai curry.

The secret to much of this eating business is moderation and portion size.
Just got home from our regular Sunday buffet lunch. So easy to quickly mentally sort out what to eat and how much. It's so good, that the temptation is to go OTT.

Wendy has to go for her retinal piccies at a hospital 23 miles away tomorrow. This will be followed by investigation of a troughing parlour we haven't tried for some time.
oh John, you sound so like my mother "moderation in all things" AND she named me Faith..........so hard to live up to (or down).

Anyway, thanks for your kind words and good luck to Wendy tomorrow - enjoy "the afterwards".
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