Happy birthday @Robin

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
Happy Birthday @Robin and sorry you’ve a cold, hope you have the best day you can. 🙂
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to you.... hope you get over your cold soon & can celebrate.
Happy birthday
And a Happy Birthday from me too, have a great day....
Hi - and from me too!
I hope that you have had a good day and enjoy your evening @Robin
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Robin! Hope you have had some treats at home to make up for not being well enough to go out tonight. I am celebrating your birthday with a very rare fruit scone, since I have given up drink, so can't toast your good health in that sense. Have just finished 40 ascents (and descents of course) of the stairs to try to keep in range and still got half of it left.... it is a huge one and I have been extra naughty and put jam on it! 😱 No point in celebrating if you don't do it in style!

PS. I told Rebel it was your birthday today and he sends one of his most charming kisses! Rascal was keen to send one too once he realized nuggets were involved 🙄 but I am not passing his on as he is a bit too enthusiastic and not nearly gentle enough. I am guessing you probably got plenty from Toby though!
Happy Birthday Robin! Hope you have had some treats at home to make up for not being well enough to go out tonight. I am celebrating your birthday with a very rare fruit scone, since I have given up drink, so can't toast your good health in that sense. Have just finished 40 ascents (and descents of course) of the stairs to try to keep in range and still got half of it left.... it is a huge one and I have been extra naughty and put jam on it! 😱 No point in celebrating if you don't do it in style!

PS. I told Rebel it was your birthday today and he sends one of his most charming kisses! Rascal was keen to send one too once he realized nuggets were involved 🙄 but I am not passing his on as he is a bit too enthusiastic and not nearly gentle enough. I am guessing you probably got plenty from Toby though!
Aww, Thank Rascal and Rebel for me. I didn’t get up to see Toby today, had to leave it to daughter to send me a photo of him giving her camera a sloppy kiss. Poor Toby, he’s come out in sympathy and has been a bit coughy and wheezy for the past week, we think it’s his dry hay, so are now soaking it, and the Vet has given him some Ventipulmin to tide him over. Apart from looking very sorry for himself when I went up last week, he’s soon reverted to his normal,cheeky self.
Confession time, a celebratory toblerone fell into my shopping basket in the local co-op today.
Sorry to hear Toby is struggling with respiratory symptoms too. Hope you are all better soon. Reb started to get COPD with hay about 18 years ago, so I moved to haylage and my local farmer delivers me a large round bale every 10-12 days which works out so much cheaper than the small bales of hay ever were (even at the old £3 a bale price) and I was having to collect and stack them plus they are hard to find these days and of course the small bales of haylage are an extortionate price.. The haylage I get is heavenly.... I could nearly eat it myself it smells so good .... believe it or not this one smells of fruit pastilles... I just strip enough off for the day and bag it up and then cover the bale over to keep the rain off as it stands outside in the stack yard on a pallet. I am guessing you are probably committed to buying forage from the livery yard owner and with just 1 horse you wouldn't get through a big bale of haylage before it went off. My sister shares a large bale with a group of owners/friends at her yard and that works out well as she just has two to feed herself.

Anyway, enough horsey talk. Hope you have enjoyed your Toblerone. I have just had to do another 20 sets of stairs (so that is 60 now) and whilst it was keeping things fairly stable between 5and 8, my alarm has just gone off and I am heading into orbit, so I have jabbed a generous correction and fingers crossed that reels it in. So much for my 98% TIR! Teach me to boast! 🙄
Happy belated birthday @Robin

Hope you are enjoying your birthday toblerone one mountainous peak at a time, and had a lovely day.

Hope coughs and wheezes improve all round!
Very belated birthday greetings`, hope the Toblerone was enjoyed!
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