Happy Birthday @Michael12421! (now @miguel81)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Wishing you a very happy birthday @Michael12421 (if you aren't able to see this, could you plz pass it on @Kaylz).

I hope you have a lovely day!!
Happy birthday @Michael12421

Hope you are able to log-in again now.

Have a lovely day, and look after yourself!
Very Happy Birthday Michael.
Happy Birthday,@miguel81 ! Hope things improve for you steadily.
A warm, Welsh Penblwydd Hapus i ti...! Wishing you all the best and hope you have a great day, @miguel81 !
I’ve merged the accounts so that all @michael12421 ‘s old posts now belong to @miguel81 🙂
A bit late but, happy birthday!
Happy belated birthday Michael/ Miguel. Hope things are looking up for you.
@miguel81 i hope you had a lovely birthday.
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