Happy birthday MeeTooTeeTo!

Happy birthday Dez. Have a fab day.
Happy Birthday from me, too. Hope the DF brings you something nice.
Happiest of birthdays to you!
Happy Birthday! Have a splendid day!
Many happy returns of the day MTTT2 -~ hope you're having a great time on your special day🙂
And a Happy Birthday from me too MeToo Dee Too 😉 Hope your having a good day....🙂
Happy birthday Dez!
Thanks everyone for your lovely birthday wishes. 🙂

Belated Happy Birthday Dez. Sorry I’m a day late.

Bestest wishes.
Belated happy burthday from me.:party:

I allow a wriggle room of a week for minor birthday celebrations, so those who forgot the actual day have an opportunity to redeem themselves (in my eyes).
Happy Birthday!

Various emojis - cake with lots of candles, balloons, presents, champagne, WHY!