Happy Birthday for the 17th Dec Poppy! Some thoughts and comparisons a year on...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All...

Hard to believe that this time A WHOLE YEAR AGO I has the pre-pump jitters and was pootling along with injections...time flys!

Yes my lil Poppy is 1 this Friday bless her!

A year ago my HBA1C was 8.6 it is now a steady 6.9 🙂
A year ago I had the dawn phenomina everyday and would wake with hangover symptoms and not feel 'human' till lunchtime - now I actually wake up with a smile and headache free - unless I had a late night haha

  1. A year ago I would look at my records of finger pricks and not have a clue how to make things better or if I did it would take several days to see any change- now I can adjust my BI hourly, change my basal rate for any amount of time (TBR) and generally have a lot more flexibilty and options to solve problems
A year ago I would feel uncomfortable to inject in a restaurant in front of people - A year on I simply tell my handset what insulin I need and it sends it to my pump via bluetooth...very modern!
A year ago I was terified of being attached to a machine 24/7 - a year on I forget its there (and I felt this way after a few days of pumping)
A year ago diabetes frustrated me - A year on its still does but not quite as much now I have the tools to make changes and improve my control better than before

It's not all plain sailing though, blood in the line, threat of ketones, a whole new way of life to get used to, and set changes and air bubbles and all sorts!

On the whole tho I am truely grateful for the postive changes my pump has bought to me...and I look forward to many more years of pumping with my Poppy....HURRY UP CURE!!!

x x x
sorry for the dodgy alignment etc....blummin thing! x
Shelley what a lovely positive post, well done! 🙂
What a lovely story, i will raise a glass of sumit as its my 29th on same day lol xx
What a nice positive message
Good for you I'm glad everything is working out so well 🙂
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