Happy birthday @Docb

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Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Happy birthday @Docb

Have a lovely day, and thanks for all the help and support you offer on the forum 🙂

Happy birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday! Have a great day!
And a Happy Birthday from me too, have a great day and stay well..... 🙂
Happy Birthday Docb and many more of them. Hope you are having an enjoyable day with family and friends and will take this opportunity to say many thanks for all the work you do on the forum. We would be lost without your logical mind!
Many thanks everybody for your kind wishes, et pour vouz @trophywench. merci bien.

As many of you will know I am a carer and any of you who are carers, especially those who care for people whose problems are more in the mind than the body, will know that your social life is the one thing that is most compromised by being a carer. The other thing carers know is that the best way to deal with problems is to find workarounds and this forum has been the best workaround I have found to provide much needed social contact. Because of that I want to thank you all for what you, probably without realising it, have done for my wellbeing by allowing me to listen into your conversations, make comments, think about what is being said, and occasionally moderate things to keep this place so different to the rest of social media.

Thank you one and all and now my birthday is over I had better start to think about Christmas - there is plenty of time!
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