Happy Birthday @ColinUK

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Happy Birthday Colin, hope you have a great day.
And a Happy Birthday from me as well, have a great day...... 🙂
Have a smashing day @ColinUK 🙂 Many happy returns.
Happy Birthday! Have a splendid day!
Thank you all!

The Chanel exhibition was not my cup of tea at all but Diva was great!

Chanel was just a rather static display of lots of very similar items and limited narrative beyond them being designed by her. Dubs on the other hand embraces tech with a soundscape that changes as you walk between some amazingly beautiful pieces but it also follows the changing definition of what a ‘diva’ is. It starts with Greek and Roman examples and goes through opera, music hall, stage, screen, recording artists etc and it’s just a huge amount of fun!
Belated birthday greetings @ColinUK

Glad you enjoyed Diva - it sounds fab
Happy birthday
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