Happy 75th Birthday NHS

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm a day late I know but just wanted to share a photo of our Manchester Blood Centre celebrating. It's fab!

I can't believe I've worked for the NHS 35 of those 75 years, I'm not sure where that time has gone 😱

I know some would say the NHS is truly 'broken' but it really isn't. It's just tired and needs the funding appropriating much better. In my little corner of the NHS, life is good. Sometimes stressful but a fantastic place to work :D

Manchester 75.PNGth
Here's to 75 more
Thats a great photo!

So glad to have the NHS in my corner. What an amazing thing to have the benefit of.
Where would we be without NHS, here's to another 75 years.
I couldn't agree more, it's a wonderful service and wonderful people work there, okay it doesn't always work how we would like it to but then what does in today's world?

I have always been treated with kindness, respect and a smile what more can you ask for?
Thank You NHS.
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