Hand Pain

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Been Diagnosed For About 15 Months,but The Past 3 Months Have Started To Get Bad Pain In Palm And On My Index Fingers.....someone Mentioned To Me That 'tendonites'? Can Happen With Type 2.....any One Else Had This Problem????'cos Over Christmas It Has Got Worse....and I Have Been Cheating With Eating Not As Healthy As Usual.....welllll It Is Christmas!! Ta
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My nan supposedly suffers from tendonitis in her feet. It's hugely painful for her. She isn't diabetic and I've never heard a link between the condition and diabetes, but it is worth getting your hand checked by a doctor if you haven't already. If it isn't tendonitis, SOMETHING is causing this pain and you should certainly get a diagnosis before it gets any worse. It might be something really simple that you can get rid of with some meds.
Any persistent pain should be checked. At the very least it is a strain of some kind, but for your peace of mind get it checked. The more you worry the more likely you are to be ill.

Also as it has been quite cold, try to keep your hands warm. My husband has osteoarthritis and has to keep warm.
I too have pain in the hand. I have been diagnosed with duputrens contracture. This causes considerable pain in the hand, but also causes finger or fingers to get locked. Initially I went to see a Consultant who gave me an injection, this seemed to help, but now the other hand is affected, My middle finger keeps getting locked, and the pain is pretty bad. I think it's time to see the Consultant!!!! I think that this happens quite alot with diabetics! However you do not mention fingers getting locked, but whatever your symptoms are, you have pain in the hand. So I advise you to see a doctor.
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