Half of GPs may quit profession over contract changes, LMCs warn

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Half of GPs are considering quitting general practice and two-thirds say their practice will struggle to remain viable due to the Government?s planned contract changes, shows the largest survey of the profession to date.

The survey by six LMCs collated responses from 2,700 GPs in South West England and delivers a stark warning that practices are struggling with rising workload over the past few years, and that the changes due to be imposed on them from April will mark a watershed for the profession.

Some 84% of respondents said their current practice workload is not sustainable, and 48% said it was ?dangerously unsustainable?.

The survey comes as the BMA conducts its own survey on the proposed contract changes, asking if it could make them leave the NHS, and after Pulse revealed that more than three quarters of GP partners expect to slash their drawings and nearly half expect to cut extra services offered to patients if the Government?s proposed contract changes come into force.


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Phew - they are not happy bunnies are they?

I my limited lifetime so far experience of GPs I've gone from one who didn't appear to hold records at all eg you'd go and say 'I've got whatever again', and he'd say he didn't know you'd had it before and you'd say 'Yes, you prescribed whatever' and he'd say 'Oh, so do you want that again or try something else?' to the current state of affars where you'll say 'You know I'm Vit D deficient? well ... ' and he'll say I don't remember that? and then look and say 'Oh well I didn't deal with it did I?' and you'll say 'No I know that and realise you won't recall it, but surely Dr Bloggs recorded it?' Well yes of course Dr Bloggs did record it, but it didn't occur to Dr today's conversation to glance at your medical record ......

Nothing changes really does it!
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