Half of all food 'thrown away' claims report

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
As much as half of the world's food, amounting to two billion tonnes worth, ends up being thrown away, a UK-based report has claimed.

The Institution of Mechanical Engineers said the waste was being caused by poor storage, strict sell-by dates, bulk offers and consumer fussiness.

The study also found that up to 30% of vegetables in the UK were not harvested because of their physical appearance.

The institution's Dr Tim Fox said the level of waste was "staggering".

Goodness me that beggers belief, my dad always taught me clean your plate and I do, taught my son the same thing. As for throwing things away if I ever do its because it needs throwing away, food is to expensive to waste these days
Goodness me that beggers belief, my dad always taught me clean your plate and I do, taught my son the same thing. As for throwing things away if I ever do its because it needs throwing away, food is to expensive to waste these days

Agreed Steff, I throw virtually nothing away.
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