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Type 1
Just wondering if anyone elae has problems with there hair being really dry or falling out.

I have now been diagnosed 2 and half months over the past month or ive noticed my hair has become very dry. Ive used the same hairdressers and alternate products I use and have done for past 11 years! The only thing that has changed is I am now diabetic and on insulin.

I have also noticed that I am losing alot more hair than normal. My hairdresser checked and I have no bald patches! But when she was combing it even she was concerned as to how much was comin out. She suggested maybe I need a protein supplement.

I am going to contact my diabetes team but just wondered if this was a normal side effect or if im just strange!
I don't know that it's a side effect of diabetes or insulin. one though have you had your thyroid checked recently? One of the symptoms of underactive thyroid is hair loss. I would speak to your GP first.
Again, I don't know if it's because of Diabetes or insulin but my hair falls out ALOT. Ive never had any patches or anything though so i don't think it's anything to worry about. Ive heard your hair can get dry if your sugars are high (which mine are at the moment). Definately worth asking your diabetes team to see what they say.
If your blood sugars have been high for a while then this could be the cause of the hair loss.
Being newly diagnosed it will take your body a little while to settle down again.
Also ask about having your thyroid checked, also anaemia can cause hair loss.
Some types of baldness are hereditry, but if you feel this is not the case go talk to your GP as there are other possible causes.

My scalp was always dry and I can remember some the remedies my mother used to cure my dandruff. I am amazed I am not noe completly bald, although it would save me a fortune on shampoo and you can get some wonderful hats and scarves these days!
about 6 months before i was diagnosed i started losing a lot of my hair but because my hair was so thick i didn't really mind, but it has never quite gone back to that thick crazy state. although no one has noticed apart from me so i don't mind.

...my hair dresser at the time said that hair goes through stages of shedding-and then growth and renewel, and it can happen with a lot falling out in one go and then growing back slowly instead of it always gradually happening! which could explain it.

.... but i think it was my doctor who said that hair loss comes in hand with sudden weight loss. in simple terms its to do with the shock to the body so its just trying to cope.

maybe you fit into one of these categories/ideas?!
Just wondering if anyone elae has problems with there hair being really dry or falling out.

I have now been diagnosed 2 and half months over the past month or ive noticed my hair has become very dry. Ive used the same hairdressers and alternate products I use and have done for past 11 years! The only thing that has changed is I am now diabetic and on insulin.

I have also noticed that I am losing alot more hair than normal. My hairdresser checked and I have no bald patches! But when she was combing it even she was concerned as to how much was comin out. She suggested maybe I need a protein supplement.

I am going to contact my diabetes team but just wondered if this was a normal side effect or if im just strange!

I can relate to hair loss/thinning - my daughter a few months after being diagnosed started losing quite a lot of hair and it was very thin and fine. I spoke to the nurse who seemed a little puzzled and was going to send her to a dermatology clinic. I did later read that this could be due to stress and weight loss and can be the body's way to cope. It did take a little time but has come in lovely now - hope that is of some reassurance!

Thanks everyone thats helped to reassure me. Been tryin to get in with GP all week but no success. Will keep tryin.
My thyroid packed up and I started going a bit thin at the front. Then again I'm a 35 year old bloke so it's hardly unusual. I did take selenium supplements and the hair loss seems to have stopped.