Hair loss on Female T2


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Newly diagnosed Type 2 on Metformin! Is it normal for your hair to start falling out? Xx
Hi and welcome.

Sorry to hear that you are noticing some hair loss. I don't think it is a direct result of diabetes but I think most of us found being diagnosed with diabetes quite stressful and overwhelming and that could trigger it.
Another common cause is Thyroid problems. Do you know if your thyroid function has been checked recently? If you have access to your results on the NHS website you should be able to check if you don't know.

Would you like to tell us a bit about your diabetes diagnosis and how it came about?
Did you have symptoms and if so, which symptoms or was it just picked up via a routine blood test?
Do you know the result of the HbA1c blood test which is used to diagnose diabetes? It will usually be a number in excess of 47. Some people are just over the diagnostic value of 48 and their diabetes has been caught quite early or has a slow onset, but others are much higher, some even into 3 figures and this can be an indication that there has been a sudden and dramatic change in the body's ability to balance BG levels.
Part of the reason I am asking is that if you were symptomatic and your levels are very high, it is possible that you might be Type 1 which is autoimmune and that can sometimes be accompanied by an autoimmune condition affecting thyroid function. Maybe once the immune system starts acting up, it can go on the rampage in various different parts of the body which is perhaps why people who have one autoimmune condition are at higher risk of developing others.

Anyway, the more info you can give us the better we can understand your unique situation and the more appropriate we can make our responses. Diabetes can be remarkably individual and there is no one size fits all, so hopefully with more info about your situation we can point you in the right direction to perhaps find your own answers or push for particular testing to identify or eliminate the problem.
Sorry to hear about your hair loss @Salmepal

I’ve moved your thread into the General Messageboard, where it might get a little more attention.

We have a few members who have experienced hair loss over the years, but this often seems to be related to other conditions (eg thyroid as @rebrascora mentions) rather than diabetes itself?
Thank you!
I’ve increased my water intake and things are improving thankfully xx
I have heard of a few people who have noticed hair loss when they started on metformin.
Have you tried a specialist shampoo which I have seen advertised as being good for hair loss.